The Sentinel-Record

Taxpayers’ rights


Dear editor:

Because angry parents are pushing back on objectiona­ble curriculum­s, subject matter, and an explicit contempt for elected officials, Democrats have decided to circle their wagons around school boards.

During the gubernator­ial debate in Virginia, Terry Mcauliffe showed his natural totalitari­an instincts when he said “I don’t think parents should be telling schools, what they should teach.” Seriously, we pay for these schools as taxpayers and our taxes pay for the salaries of these educators. How dare civic-minded parents demand the right to give their input into what is taught to their children.

The Department of Justice is taking their contempt for parental civic engagement even further. In a memo, they have threatened civic-minded parents with the same consequenc­es as the politicize­d criminal investigat­ions that have kept the FBI very busy since Jan. 6. The memo talks about the disturbing trend of protesting parents, what about the disturbing trend of a 30% jump in murder rates? That disturbing trend doesn’t include investigat­ing cartels, fentanyl dealers and the total disappeara­nce of a southern border. They are addressing something very important to the Democrats, a citizen uprising that threatens the left’s strangleho­ld on control of the schools. The memo uses terms like “hate” and “harass” to criminaliz­e citizens exercising their First Amendment rights to petition their government.

Parents have the right to express their viewpoints on what is being taught to their children, the taxpayers are who pay for public schools and the left needs to remember that.

Rebecca Tracy Hot Springs

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