The Sentinel-Record

No time or need to vote?


Dear editor:

It seems our public officials are at the feeding trough again, wanting your money with yet another “special election.”

George Pritchett’s recent column on the subject called it a “friends and family, low-turnout election” and that well describes the process. It is held away from regular voting dates, people are very busy, it is hard to get away from work to go vote, and there is not a lot of attention to the subject with fewer than 15% of eligible voters turning out. They have been very successful with this type maneuver. We approved building the new jail complex, approved extending the bypass without waiting for state and federal money to do the job, and, not to forget, the 20-year extension of the hamburger tax was approved. Everything has always been approved and they call it a temporary tax! They are asking to extend the current (temporary) 0.625% sales tax, again, but you can stop that and see a lower bill every time you make a purchase in Garland County.

If you are tired of this process, you can show up and vote. If you have seen inflation eat up a lot of your money you can vote no to keep more for your family needs. If you are tired of paying 13.5% tax with your lunch bill you can reduce it with your no vote. If you do not understand why this tax is needed now (with no specific projects stated) while the city and county have large amounts of funds on hand from the federal payouts, you can vote no.

Voting places and times have not been advertised. Please go online at http://www. garlandcou­, select special election and you will see early voting (Feb. 1-4 and the 7th) and on voting day, Feb. 8, at 13 locations from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., plus absentee ballots are available from the Garland County clerk at 501-622-3610. Please vote no to stop this current, never-ending quick vote grab for more of your money.

P.S.: They are also spending more of our tax money to hold another special election instead of including this subject in a regularly scheduled election.

Jim Pumphrey Garland County

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