The Sentinel-Record

Official: EU needs say in Ukraine talks

Border buildup’s threat to Europe isn’t just a U.S., Russia matter, he declares

- COMPILED BY DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE STAFF FROM WIRE REPORTS Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Raf Casert, Frank Jordans and Matthew Lee of The Associated Press.

BRUSSELS — The European Union’s foreign policy chief insisted Wednesday that the 27-nation bloc must have a bigger role to play alongside Washington and Moscow to defuse the West’s standoff with Russia over Ukraine.

In the diplomatic flurry surroundin­g the Russian military buildup on Ukraine’s border the EU has largely been a bystander. This highlights a deeper frustratio­n in Brussels: even though the EU is an enormous global economic powerhouse, its strategic geopolitic­al footprint remains disproport­ionately small.

“There are not two actors alone. It’s not just the U.S. and Russia,” said Josep Borrell during a visit to Ukraine on Wednesday. “If you want to talk about security in Europe, the Europeans have to be part of the table.”

Also Wednesday, the United States and Germany said Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine’s border poses an “immediate and urgent challenge” to European security and that any interventi­on will draw severe consequenc­es.

But the country’s top diplomats left open what those consequenc­es would be and how difference­s on arming Ukraine and a controvers­ial Russian gas pipeline will be resolved.

So far, the EU’s plea for a bigger role has largely fallen on deaf ears.

U.S. President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpar­t Vladimir Putin have spoken twice over the past month, before two days of talks between senior U.S. and Russian officials starting Sunday in Geneva. Those talks will be followed by a meeting of the Russia-NATO Council on Jan. 12 and negotiatio­ns at the Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe in Vienna on Jan. 13.

And on Friday, NATO’s 30 foreign ministers will already set the scene for those encounters. The EU is involved in none of them.

Borrell stressed that this had to change. “If Russia is really willing to talk about the security in Europe, then Europeans have to be part of it. Not the first day,” he acknowledg­ed. “But that is not going to last just one day or one week.”

He said EU foreign ministers would assess next week in Brest, France, how to get the EU’s foot in the door.

“We are going to discuss the way in which we are going to have our say in these talks through coordinati­on with the U.S. and possibly with the Russians,” Borrell said. “Like it or not, they will have to talk with us. Be sure of that.”

The United States has assured its European allies that it would not do any side deals with Putin without them, and they have walked in lockstep laying out the threat of prohibitiv­e sanctions in the event of a Russian invasion.

“We’re not going to talk above the heads of our European allies and partners. Throughout all of this, it will remain true that we will do or say nothing about them without them when it comes to our NATO allies and our European partners,” State Department spokesman Ned Price has said.

After their meeting in Washington on Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sought to present a unified front on Russia.

“Both Germany and the United States see Russia’s actions toward Ukraine as an immediate and urgent challenge to peace and stability in Europe,” Blinken said.

“We condemn Russia’s military buildup on Ukraine’s borders, as well as Russia’s increasing­ly harsh rhetoric as it continues to push the false narrative that Ukraine seeks to provoke [Russia],” he said. “That’s a little bit like the fox saying it had no choice but to attack the henhouse because somehow the hens presented a threat.”

Baerbock agreed. “We jointly reiterated that Russian actions and activities come with a clear price tag, and a renewed violation of Ukrainian sovereignt­y by Russia would have severe consequenc­es,” she said.

Since the Crimean Peninsula’s annexation by Russia and the Kremlin’s backing of a separatist rebellion in Ukraine’s east, the fighting has killed more than 14,000 people and devastated the country’s industrial heartland, known as the Donbas.

For years now, the EU has championed the principles of diplomacy’s so-called soft power of economic and non-military aid, since it lacked the political wherewitha­l to build up a powerful defense and security part in its common project. So far, it has yet to emerge as an essential player, even on its own continent.

Since the 2014 invasion of Crimea, European diplomacy has been spearheade­d by the so-called Normandy format, bringing together Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany. The Minsk agreements that came out of it remain one of the best avenues for a fundamenta­l solution.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Wednesday that France’s “efforts alongside Germany to achieve that remain total and will continue in the coming days and weeks.”

 ?? (AP/Andriy Dubchak) ?? Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, talks with a Ukrainian soldier Wednesday during a visit to the Stanitsa Luganskaya border crossing between Ukraine and the territory controlled by pro-Russia militants in the Luhansk region.
(AP/Andriy Dubchak) Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, talks with a Ukrainian soldier Wednesday during a visit to the Stanitsa Luganskaya border crossing between Ukraine and the territory controlled by pro-Russia militants in the Luhansk region.

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