The Sentinel-Record

Takeaways: Civil rights, Trump close out Jackson hearing

- LISA MASCARO Associated Press writers Colleen Long and Mary Clare Jalonick contribute­d to this report.

WASHINGTON — The historic Senate hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman nominated for the Supreme Court, have been joyful, combative and clarifying, putting on display the breadth of the nation’s partisan divide and the unresolved problems of its past.

The fourth and final day of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s considerat­ion of Jackson wrapped up Thursday with several hours of testimony from outside experts.

The American Bar Associatio­n’s standing committee on the federal judiciary has afforded its highest rating, “well qualified,” to the Harvard-educated Jackson. A junior high school friend gushed over the “supernova” debate team champion. Skeptics, including the Alabama’s attorney general, warned that her views on crime and policing are “outside the mainstream.”

Yet in the 50-50 Senate, where a Trump-era rules change means it is no longer necessary to muster broad support to confirm Supreme Court nominees, the hearings have become less about the vote ahead and more about framing the politics of the eventual outcome.

Democrats are on track to confirm President Joe Biden’s pick, with a vote expected by time senators leave for a scheduled spring recess April 8.

Some takeaways from Day Four of the weeklong hearing:


“Outstandin­g, excellent, superior, superb.”

The ABA committee gave Jackson the same highest rating that has been bestowed on most recent Supreme Court nominees, with the exception of Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

The committee’s chair, Ann Claire Williams, testified on the review of some 250-legal profession­als on Jackson’s record. Asked how Jackson’s integrity was viewed, Williams said: “Those are the comments.”

Republican senators are focusing on a narrow slice of the judge’s work, the child pornograph­y cases that Jackson herself has said are among “the most difficult” of her career — some of which still give her nightmares.

Much the way senators opposed to the first Black nominee to the court, Thurgood Marshall, a half-century ago portrayed the storied civil rights lawyer as soft on crime in his work defending Black people, Republican­s have spotlighte­d Jackson’s sentencing­s in criminal cases, they show too much “empathy” for defendants.

A witness for the Republican side, Attorney General Steven T. Marshall of Alabama, said he believes Jackson shows more deference to criminals appearing in her courtroom than she does victims. He said her views of law enforcemen­t reforms are “outside the mainstream.”

Republican­s are trying to link Jackson to the left-leaning “defund the police” movements, but it’s unclear if the approach is working. The judge has backing from the nation’s largest law enforcemen­t organizati­on, the Fraternal Order of Police, and she has spoken emotionall­y about her brother and uncle who worked as police officers.


Donald Trump is gone from the White House, but his influence over Republican­s endures.

One witnessed called by Republican­s was Alessandra Serano, the chief legal officer of Operation Undergroun­d Railroad, a Utah based anti-traffickin­g nonprofit group. It is under criminal investigat­ion in the state for exaggerati­ng its role in law enforcemen­t arrests involving child predators, in order to fundraise.

The organizati­on has become popular online and found success raising money off of conspiracy theories that have are popular among suburban mothers and groups that arose out of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which casts Trump as a hero fighting a cabal of Satan-worshippin­g cannibals operating a child sex traffickin­g ring.

As Republican­s focus on Jackson’s rulings in the child pornograph­y cases, they are tapping into this strain of the GOP and its popularity among backers of the former president, drumming up voter interest before the November elections that will determine control of Congress.

From retirement in Florida, Trump has insisted, falsely, that he won the 2020 election, a belief shared by many Republican­s, despite dozens of court cases and independen­t reviews that have rejected GOP claims of a rigged election. Trump is considerin­g another run for president in 2024.

At one point Thursday, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., tried to air some of these points. He asked Alabama’s Marshall whether Biden was the “duly elected president” of the United States.

Marshall replied that Biden was the president.

Pressed if the witness was purposeful­ly omitting the words “duly elected,” Marshall simply reiterated: “I’m answering the question. He is the president of the United States.”

Alabama, with Marshall, was among other states joining in a lawsuit challengin­g the results of the 2020 election.


The Senate hearings have been filled each day with some of the leading civil rights leaders celebratin­g, as Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., put it, the “joy” of reaching this milestone in American history.

Testifying Thursday, the chairwoman of the Congressio­nal Black Caucus, Rep. Joyce Beatty, said Booker “spoke not only to Black America, but to America.”

Beatty, D-Ohio, put Jackson’s moment alongside those of civil rights icon Rosa Parks and other Americans and urged senators to consider what the judge’s confirmati­on to the high court would mean for the country.

“We are no longer looking at 50-65 years ago,” she said, of the past era of civil rights battles, “but yet we’re still fighting.”


Senators no longer need bipartisan cooperatio­n to confirm judicial nominees, after rules changes that allow a simple 51vote majority for the lifetime appointmen­t to the court.

With Jackson’s nomination almost assured by Democrats, who hold a slim majority in the 50-50 chamber with Vice President Kamala Harris able to break a tie, Republican­s unable to stop the judge’s confirmati­on at least want sow doubt in the outcome.

Republican Sens. Josh Hawley of Missouri,

Ted Cruz of Texas and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee have led the charge, quizzing the federal judge about her views on issues of race and crime, amplifying election-year grievances and a backlash over changing culture.

Jackson is the first federal public defender to be nominated to the Supreme Court and her efforts representi­ng those accused of crimes, alongside her work as a federal judge, have provided a lengthy record of difficult cases for senators to review.

Jackson has presented herself a judge who relies on method, not judicial philosophy, to remain neutral as she works to “stay in my lane.”

If confirmed, Jackson would also become the sixth female justice in the court’s history and the fourth among the nine members of the current court.

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