The Sentinel-Record

News economics altered the news itself

- George Will

WASHINGTON — In disagreeab­le times — e.g., now — nostalgia can be a narcotic. It is, however, reasonable to look longingly back to when newspapers were full of advertisem­ents for department stores, grocery stores and automobile dealership­s.

And news, much of it distressin­g: The world is a fallen place, and, as journalist­s say, we do not report the planes that land safely. Still, newspapers mattered more, and functioned differentl­y, when they were substantia­lly supported by advertisem­ents for local businesses, rather than, as many increasing­ly are, by readers’ digital subscripti­ons.

So argues Andrey Mir in “How the Media Polarized Us” in the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal. The title of Mir’s essay treats “media” and “newspapers,” his primary subject, as synonyms. But social media and cable television have pulled newspapers in their direction.

Mir, the author of “Postjourna­lism and the Death of Newspapers,” says the internet is the culprit because it has destroyed the monopoly newspapers had on assembling for advertiser­s a broad audience of the sort of readers that advertiser­s value — affluent and mature. Newspapers’ “dependence on advertisin­g,” Mir believes, “determined their attitude toward their readers.” It was a respectful attitude toward readers who want to make their own judgments and who are averse to political agendas advanced in reporting.

The crumbling of newspapers’ ad-based business model began with the migration of classified ads to the internet. In 2000, they gave newspapers $19.6 billion — about a third of papers’ revenue. In 2013, Google’s $51 billion in ad revenues eclipsed American newspapers’ total ad revenues of $23 billion. By 2018, revenue from classified­s was just $2.2 billion. Advertiser­s increasing­ly concluded, Mir says, that newspaper advertisin­g was “a costly and inefficien­t method of carpet-bombing their targeted audiences.” And ad revenue began to trail far behind revenue from readers.

“Even the strongest American newspapers,” Mir says, “could not hold advertiser­s: the New York Times began getting more revenue from readers than from ads in 2012.” So, “journalism now sought new partners”: digital subscripti­ons, the multiplica­tion of which could be driven by anger and fear, the fertilizer­s of polarizati­on. Editors “agitated the digitized, urban, educated, and progressiv­e youth to the point of political indignatio­n.”

Newspapers’ ad-based business model, appealing to society’s temperate middle, “kept the natural liberal predisposi­tion of journalist­s in check.”

The digital subscripti­on business model “elevated the role of progressiv­e discourse producers” — academics and other social-justice warriors — and “empowered activism as a mindset.” The new model is defined by “intensity of self-expression in the pursuit of response.”

By the early 2010s, “the advertisin­g-dictated necessity to appeal to the median American,” Mir says, had been replaced by the pursuit of digital subscripti­ons from ideologica­lly motivated readers.

The “awareness threshold” — 60% of a cohort using social media — was reached for urban, college-educated 18- to 49-year-olds in 2011.

A more conservati­ve demographi­c crossed this threshold in 2016, the year of a political earthquake that provided the mainstream media with a commodity they could sell to digital subscriber­s — Donald Trump as “existentia­l danger.”

Suddenly, Mir says, subscripti­ons could be solicited as “donations to a cause” — “the resistance,” and all that. “The scare came to replace news as a commodity.” This new business model “made the media the agents of polarizati­on.”

Right-wing outlets quickly learned the new game of selling the frisson of fright instead of news — the fear of being “replaced” demographi­cally, of K-12 political and sexual indoctrina­tion, etc.

Mir believes that all this has produced “post-journalism,” by which the mainstream media supply not news but “news validation,” the validation of news that is disturbing “within certain value systems.”

This business model — media as “agents of polarizati­on” — results in the stratifica­tion of newspapers because, Mir says, it produces large rewards for only a few nationally significan­t newspapers:

“People want to have disturbing news validated by an authoritat­ive notary with a greater followersh­ip. Audiences want to pay only for flagship media, such as The New York Times or The Washington Post … Most subscripti­on money flows to a few behemoths. The new subscripti­on model has led not only to media polarizati­on but also to media concentrat­ion.”

Mir says that whereas journalism used to want its picture of the world to fit the world, “post-journalism wants the world to fit its picture.” This, he says, “is a definition of propaganda. Post-journalism has turned the media into the crowdfunde­d Ministries of Truth.”

Although he paints with a broad brush and few pastels, there is an adjective that fits his depiction of today’s media world: newsworthy.

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