The Sentinel-Record

The New York Post and real journalism

- Cal Thomas

In years past, when journalism was trusted by consumers much more than it is today, the New York Post might have been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for its reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop. New Twitter owner Elon Musk might have also won awards for his revelation­s of collusion between

Twitter, intelligen­ce officials who claimed the story was Russian disinforma­tion, and leading Democrats who were in touch with social media owners to suppress stories that might have harmed

President Biden’s reelection.

There is a snobbery among the journalist­ic elite which distrusts informatio­n that doesn’t come from certain organs, like The New York Times, The Washington Post and major broadcast media. One of many examples occurred prior to the 2020 election when “60 Minutes” reporter Lesley Stahl interviewe­d President Donald Trump. The president mentioned the Biden laptop and Stahl cut him off, twice saying “it can’t be verified.”

A few days ago and long after even some major media reluctantl­y “verified” the laptop and its contents, even CBS acknowledg­ed its existence.

All of this had implicatio­ns for the outcome of the 2020 presidenti­al election and the continued decline of public trust in the major media.

As for the election, the Post reported, “Nearly four of five Americans who’ve been following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal believe that ‘truthful’ coverage would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidenti­al election, according to a new poll. A similar percentage also said they’re convinced that informatio­n on the computer is real, with just 11 percent saying they thought it was ‘created by Russia,’ according to the survey conducted by the New Jersey-based TechnoMetr­ica Institute of Policy and Politics.”

One might think that a story big enough to influence the outcome of a presidenti­al election and the future of the country might motivate journalist­s to do their job, but it appears the media’s greatest power is to ignore stories that don’t fit their largely liberal worldview, or twist stories to reflect that worldview.

Have any of those responsibl­e for covering up the laptop story apologized for failing to do their job and verify the story when it mattered? Nope. Have the more than 50 former senior intelligen­ce officials who signed a letter saying the laptop story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian informatio­n operation” issued a corrective statement, admitting their error? Again, no.

Back to the Pew Center surveys of the public’s growing distrust of the media. American adults under 30 were found to trust informatio­n from social media almost as much as they do from national news outlets. This is dangerous, because an accurately informed public by trustworth­y journalist­s is critical to maintainin­g our constituti­onal republic.

The Pew Research Center has been reporting on public attitudes about the press for some time and the trend is not good for the industry. In a survey last January, Pew reported, “The declining public trust in the news media and polarizati­on of news audiences have profound effects on civic life.”

Pew also found that American journalist­s differ from the public in their views when it comes to reporting more than one side of an issue: “55 percent of journalist­s surveyed say that every side does not always deserve equal coverage in the news. Twenty-two percent of Americans overall say the same.” Why should journalist­s make these decisions?

Yes, there is a tendency with so many sources of informatio­n for people to go to those places that simply reinforce what they already believe. This is why good and trustworth­y journalism is so important.

If “democracy dies in darkness” — the slogan of The Washington Post — so does journalism if much of the major media turn off the lights when it comes to accurate and fair reporting.

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