The Sentinel-Record



June 28 Kansas City Star

Pedestrian deaths

Something scary is happening on the streets of Kansas and Missouri. The number of people hit and killed by motor vehicles has been increasing dramatical­ly, according to a new report — part of a dramatic uptick in pedestrian traffic fatalities across the country. …

It’s a nationwide problem. Across the country, more than 7,500 people died last year because they were hit by a car or other vehicle. That’s up from just over 6,300 three years earlier — and a shocking jump from the 2010 number of 4,302 deaths.

Other traffic deaths have also been on the rise, but the report makes clear that it is pedestrian­s — folks out jogging, walking or strolling — who face the greatest danger. Since 2010, the GHSA reported, “pedestrian deaths have gone up a shocking 77%, compared to a 25% increase in all other traffic fatalities.”

That is horrifying.

What is going on? One obvious answer: speed.

“The faster a vehicle is traveling, the higher the risk of it killing someone it strikes,” the GHSA report noted. “Research confirmed that speeding and other risky driving behaviors increased during the pandemic and persisted into 2021.” Naturally, speeding-related pedestrian deaths increased at the same time.

There are other factors, as well: Nationwide, one-fifth of pedestrian fatalities involved a driver who had a high blood alcohol content. There are more SUVs and large pickup trucks on the road, which tend to be deadlier for unlucky pedestrian­s. And the vast majority of fatal crashes happened after dark.

Let us suggest another possibilit­y: Many American drivers — including, yes, those in Kansas and Missouri — seem to have completely lost their minds.

“Road rage” has been part of the lexicon for decades. But it wasn’t so long ago that road rage incidents used to be an occasional thing, something notable and rare that surprised us. IncreaTurn signals are used rarely, or too late actually to alert other drivers. Merging into traffic seems to be a lost art; hostile cutoffs are more common. The most basic lessons of our driver’s ed classes — simple concepts such as “defensive driving” and “the pedestrian always has the right-of-way” — seem to have gone out the window entirely.

And if you’re the unlucky person facing down a two-ton vehicle driven by somebody who has dispensed with those rules, well, God help you.

Have American drivers become selfish? Did the pandemic break us? Did the “rules are for the other guy” ethos of Donald Trump and his millions of acolytes create a culture where anything goes?

We’re not sure. But we have our suspicions.

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