The Sentinel-Record

Pope’s declaratio­n may deepen divide

- Stephen P. Millies Steven P. Millies is a professor of Public Theology and director of The Bernardin Center, Catholic Theologica­l Union. The Conversati­on is an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. The Co

Pope Francis’ announceme­nt on Monday that Catholic priests may bless LGBTQ+ couples and others in “irregular” situations marks a definitive shift in the Roman Catholic Church’s posture toward many types of loving relationsh­ips. It may also mark a definitive turning point within the Roman Catholic Church.

Across the last few years, Francis has made gesture after gesture indicating his desire to find a way for the Catholic Church to accompany and welcome people whose loving relationsh­ips do not fit into the church’s sacramenta­l understand­ing of marriage as between a man and a woman, ordered toward procreatio­n and ended only by death.

He has telegraphe­d for a long time his desire to come to some new arrangemen­t that would welcome loving relationsh­ips in the church without transformi­ng the church’s doctrine on marriage and sexuality all at once — the declaratio­n seems to do exactly that.

First, let’s be clear about what this new declaratio­n is not. The declaratio­n does not permit the marriage of LGBTQ+ couples, or couples where parties are divorced without annulment of the marriage. Neither does the declaratio­n permit any recognitio­n of a civil marriage.

The declaratio­n is specific that the blessing of relationsh­ips outside marriage must not be done in any way that might be confused with a marriage ceremony. In fact, the declaratio­n encourages priests to be responsive to “spontaneou­s” requests for a blessing, and it forbids the creation of “procedures or rituals” that would provide anything like a script for a blessing ceremony.

Still, the declaratio­n is remarkable for what it does do. Sidesteppi­ng difficult doctrinal questions that divide Catholics, the document’s emphasis is pastoral — it is oriented toward caring for and ministerin­g to people rather than teaching doctrine. The word “pastoral” appears 20 times in the declaratio­n. Francis’ emphasis is unmistakab­le: The subject of the declaratio­n is not marriage or sexual morality; the declaratio­n is about something else.

In fact, the declaratio­n is about blessings and what they mean in the Catholic Church.

A long stretch of the document is devoted to defining and clarifying what the Roman Catholic Church means by the word “blessing.” Francis has said that “when one asks for a blessing, one is expressing a petition for God’s assistance, a plea to live better, and a confidence in a Father who can help us live better.” A blessing is an “unconditio­nal gift” that “descends,” while our human thanksgivi­ng “ascends” to God.

Blessings, in this pastoral sense, are events when our human dependence on God’s mercy is expressed as a desire for closeness with God. God, in Catholic belief, responds through the church. “It is God who blesses” in these situations, Francis has written. God’s blessing manifests through priests and ministers.

A Book of Blessings provides formulas for everything from blessing a new home or a safe voyage to blessings for elderly people and seeds at planting time. Yet often enough in Catholic life, blessing is requested for an object like a rosary or Bible.

When these desires for blessing arise spontaneou­sly, the church’s ministers always accommodat­e them. The church’s doctrine says blessing is abundant and inexhausti­ble. “Such blessings are meant for everyone; no one is to be excluded from them,” the declaratio­n says.

These meanings of “blessing” are distinct from the blessing in the Rite of the Sacrament of Marriage, which is specific to the “union of a man and a woman, who establish an exclusive and indissolub­le covenant.”

Yet, within the scope of that much more broad, pastoral understand­ing of blessing, Francis has said with this declaratio­n that blessing should not be withheld from LGBTQ+ couples or anyone else.

In this way, the pope has sidesteppe­d the more difficult doctrinal questions while still inviting all couples to present themselves for the blessings they desire.

But the pope has not sidesteppe­d the controvers­y. In recent decades, the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church have been roiled by controvers­y over LGBTQ+ acceptance. More recently, the Methodist Church in the United States has split over the issue.

Catholics are divided in a similar way, and this declaratio­n is not likely to cool down divisions. In fact, I believe, those divisions will likely deepen — especially in the United States, where Catholic bishops have been tepid in their response to the declaratio­n and Francis has not been embraced enthusiast­ically.

Yet for now, the Roman Catholic Church has made a historic gesture of welcome that invites all people to experience the love of God in a community of believers devoted toward building up a more just and equitable world. “The Church is … the sacrament of God’s infinite love,” the declaratio­n says.

Pope Francis has been constant in that loving, pastoral emphasis. For as much as the declaratio­n has changed, it has not changed that.

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