The Sentinel-Record

Hakeem Jeffries isn’t speaker yet, but he may be the most powerful person in Congress


WASHINGTON — Without wielding the gavel or holding a formal job laid out in the Constituti­on, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries might very well be the most powerful person in Congress right now.

The minority leader of the House Democrats, it was Jeffries who provided the votes needed to keep the government running despite opposition from House Republican­s to prevent a federal shutdown.

Jeffries who made sure Democrats delivered the tally to send $95 billion foreign aid to Ukraine and other U.S. allies.

And Jeffries who, with the full force of House Democratic leadership behind him, decided this week his party would help Speaker Mike Johnson stay on the job rather than be ousted by far-right Republican­s led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“How powerful is Jeffries right now?” said Jeffery Jenkins, a public policy professor at the University of Southern California who has written extensivel­y about Congress. “That’s significan­t power.”

The decision by Jeffries and the House Democratic leadership team to lend their votes to stop Johnson’s ouster provides a powerful inflection point in what has been a long political season of dysfunctio­n, stalemate and chaos in Congress.

By declaring enough is enough, that it’s time to “turn the page” on the Republican tumult, the Democratic leader is flexing his power in a very public and timely way, an attempt to show lawmakers, and anyone else watching in dismay at the broken Congress, that there can be an alternativ­e approach to governing.

“From the very beginning of this Congress, House Republican­s have visited chaos, dysfunctio­n and extremism on the American people,” Jeffries said Wednesday at the Capitol.

Jeffries said that with House Republican­s “unwilling or unable” to get “the extreme MAGA Republican­s under control, “it’s going to take a bipartisan coalition and partnershi­p to accomplish that objective. We need more common sense in Washington, D.C., and less chaos.”

In the House, the minority leader is often seen as the speaker-in-waiting, the highest-ranking official of the party that’s out of power, biding their time in hopes of regaining the majority — and with it, the speaker’s gavel — in the next election. Elected by their own party, it’s a job without much formal underpinni­ng.

But in Jeffries’ case, the minority leader position has come with enormous power, filling the political void left by the actual speaker, Johnson, who commands a fragile, thread-thin Republican majority and is constantly under threat from far-right provocateu­rs that the GOP speaker cannot fully control.

“He’s operating as a shadow speaker on all the important votes,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., chair of the Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus.

While Johnson still marshals the powerful tools of the speaker’s office, a job outlined in the Constituti­on and second in the line of succession to the presidency, the Republican-led House has churned through a tumultuous session of infighting and upheaval that has left their goals and priorities stalled out.

In a fit of displeasur­e just months into their majority, farright Republican­s ousted the previous speaker, the now-retired Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., last fall in a never-before-seen act of party revolt. He declined to specifical­ly ask the Democrats for help.

Johnson faces the same threat of removal, but Jeffries sees in Johnson a more honest broker and potential partner he is willing to at least temporaril­y prop up — even though Johnson, too, has not overtly asked for any assist from across the aisle. A vote on Greene’s motion to vacate the speaker is expected next week.

As Johnson sidles up to Donald Trump, receiving the presumed Republican presidenti­al nominee’s nod of support, it is Jeffries who holds what Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker emerita, has referred to as “currency of the realm” — votes — that are required in the House to get any agenda over the finish line.

Pelosi said in an interview that Jeffries as the minority leader has “always had leverage” because of the slim House majority.

“But it’s a question of him showing that he’s willing to use it,” she said.

Jeffries has been “masterful,” she said, at securing Democratic priorities, notably humanitari­an assistance in the foreign aid package that Republican­s initially opposed.

But Pelosi disagreed with the idea that Democrats lending support to Johnson at this juncture creates some sort of new coalition era of U.S. politics.

“Our House functions because we’re willing to be bipartisan in making it function,” she said. “He’s not necessaril­y saving Speaker Johnson — he’s upholding the dignity of the institutio­n.”

Jeffries is a quietly confident operator, positionin­g himself, and his party, as purveyors of democratic norms amid the Republican thundercla­p of Trump-era disruption.

The first Black American to lead a political party in Congress, Jeffries is already a historic figure, whose stature will only rise further if he is elected as the first to wield the gavel as House speaker.

Born in Brooklyn, Jeffries, 53, rose steadily through the ranks in New York state politics and then on the national stage, a charismati­c next-generation leader, first elected to Congress in 2012 from the district parts of which were once represente­d by another historic lawmaker, Shirley Chisolm, the first Black woman elected to Congress.

A former corporate lawyer, Jeffries is also known for his sharp oratory, drawing on his upbringing in the historical­ly Black Cornerston­e Baptist Church, a spiritual home for many grandchild­ren and great-grandchild­ren of enslaved African Americans who fled to Brooklyn from the American South. But he also infuses his speeches and remarks with a modern sensibilit­y and cadence, bridging generation­s.

Last year, when Republican­s could not muster the votes on a procedural step for a budget and debt deal, it was Jeffries who stood intently at his desk in the House chamber, and lifted his voting card to signal to Democrats it was time to step up and deliver.

Repeatedly, Jeffries has ensured the Democratic votes to prevent a federal government shutdown. And last month, when Johnson faced an all-out hard-right Republican revolt over the Ukraine aid, Jeffries again stepped in, assuring Democrats had more votes than Republican­s to see it to passage.

Ahead of the November election, the two parties are in a fight for political survival to control the narrowly divided House, and Jeffries would most certainly face his own challenges leading Democrats if they were to gain the majority, splintered over many key issues.

But Jeffries and Johnson have both been in a cross-country sprint, raising money and enthusiasm for their own party candidates ahead of November — the Republican speaker trying to keep his job, the Democratic leader waiting to take it on.

 ?? Photo/Alex Brandon/File) ?? House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, of N.Y., left, walks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the U.S. Capitol to a meeting with other congressio­nal leaders on Dec. 12, 2023, in Washington. (AP
Photo/Alex Brandon/File) House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, of N.Y., left, walks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the U.S. Capitol to a meeting with other congressio­nal leaders on Dec. 12, 2023, in Washington. (AP

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