The Signal

Equal pay bill signed

Expansive new pay protection­s aimed at challengin­g wage gap

- By Signal Staff and wire reports

Female workers in California will get new tools to challenge gender-based wage gaps under legislatio­n signed into law Tuesday that supporters say offers the strongest equal-pay protection in the nation.

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed the measure while surrounded by women and girls at an event at Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park in Richmond, northeast of San Francisco.

“The stratifica­tion and the pay disparitie­s in California and in America, probably in the world, are something that really eats away at our whole society,” Brown said. He called the legislatio­n a “milestone.”

The bill by Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, a Santa Barbara Democrat, expands California’s existing equal pay law and goes further than federal law by placing the burden on the employer to prove a man’s higher pay is based on factors other than gender.

It also protects workers from discrimina­tion and retaliatio­n if they ask questions about how much other people earn, though it doesn’t require that employers provide that informatio­n. Workers also will gain the right to sue if they are paid less than someone with a different job title who does “substantia­lly similar” work.

The Fair Pay Act stipulates employers can justify higher wages for men only if the pay is based on seniority, a merit system, quantity or quality of production or any other “bona fide factor other than sex.”

It cleared the Legislatur­e with bipartisan support and backing from the state Chamber of Commerce.

Senate Minority Leader Jean Fuller, R-Bakersfiel­d, said the legislatio­n strikes a balance between the interests of employers and women in the workforce.

The bill attracted nearuniver­sal support as it moved through the Legislatur­e, including from the Santa Clarita Valley’s representa­tives in the state Assembly and Senate.

“Equal work deserves equal pay and today, we took a step in the right direction,” said Assemblyma­n Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, when the bill passed the Assembly in August. “There is still work to be done for wage equality but I’m happy with today’s outcome.”

Also in August, Assemblyma­n Tom Lackey, RPalmdale, called the bill “a common-sense reform measure for the workplace” and added that “wages should be based on the quality of your work.”

Some state lawmakers say they were motivated to pursue equal pay legislatio­n by heartfelt pleas from high-profile Hollywood actresses at this year’s Academy Awards. Lawyer Ellen Pao also made national waves when she filed a gender discrimina­tion lawsuit against a prestigiou­s venture capital firm in Silicon Valley.

While she lost, the publicity prompted embarrasse­d soul-searching in an industry dominated by male managers.

Women often do not know they are being paid less than their male coworkers, said Jennifer Reisch, Equal Rights Advocates’ legal director. The San Francisco-based civil rights group sponsored the legislatio­n.

“By closing loopholes in California’s equal pay law and expanding protection­s against retaliatio­n, the Fair Pay Act will encourage more women to ask questions and demand fair compensati­on,” she said in a statement.

The new law takes effect Jan. 1.

Brown also is considerin­g a bill that aims to end the cycle of women’s wages lagging behind men’s pay by barring employers from using previous salary informatio­n as justificat­ion for paying women less than their male coworkers.

Some lawmakers balked at approving the measure by Assemblywo­man Nora Campos, D-San Jose, noting the Legislatur­e itself uses previous salary informatio­n to set employees’ wages.

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