The Signal

Our final word on Measure E


There has been much discussion over College of the Canyons’ Measure E bond proposal on Tuesday’s ballot. Passions are strong on both sides to the point of reaching a fever pitch in recent days.

Let’s take a breath and step back for a moment on this issue and look at what we are voting on.

Measure E, if approved by voters, would authorize the issuance of a $230 million bond to help build out the college’s Canyon Country campus and for some additional building and renovation­s at the Valencia campus, including a badly needed parking structure.

Cost to taxpayers, including interest, will actually be closer to $500 million when all is said and done.

Yes, that’s a lot of money, and Santa Clarita Valley homeowners are still paying off other bond measures that we approved over the years for COC and other school districts.

But if you take a long-term look at all this, isn’t that one of the main reasons we live here — for our good schools and quality of life?

Frankly, you get what you pay for.

This newspaper published an editorial last week in support of Measure E, but we also pointed out that there is a lack of transparen­cy throughout the state in all school bond measures in terms of bond financing and the full costs of these measures to taxpayers.

That is not COC’s fault. It’s a fault of the system, and it needs to be fixed.

We believe that COC has used money from previous bond funds wisely, and we expect that to continue.

What school officials want to use the bond money for is badly needed at our local community college. The Valencia campus has been growing quickly and needs additional parking and updated facilities.

But a large part of the bond measure is for the school’s Canyon Country campus, where portable structures make up much of the school.

The need to support the eastern campus is obvious: It was overflowin­g with students the day it opened. Its students need our support and commitment every bit as much as the Valencia campus students do. Let’s not let it languish with portable structures like other, lesser colleges have in the Los Angeles area.

Measure E is critical for COC to continue its momentum as one of the greatest forces in the economy, both in our valley and regionally. With its focus on job training and offering courses that provide skills to succeed in today’s workforce, the college has been a practical leader in our community.

What the school has done can be measured tangibly — in jobs.

Passage of Measure E will help our community college be even more effective in its no-nonsense efforts to support our community and aid in its citizens’ success in today’s economy.

For property taxpayers, many of whom moved to our community to take advantage of our excellent schools, investing in our local schools boosts not only quality of life in the Santa Clarita Valley, but also the value of homes here.

All bond measures that voters are asked to approve are an investment in the future. Measure E is no different.

Vote yes on Measure E.

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