The Signal

When Life Gives You Lemons

- Eva Piccolo

Ialways thought that phrase was funny. Lemons? Who doesn’t like lemons? I love lemons. Why not say, “When life gives you okra, make gumbo.” (I don’t like okra or gumbo.)

But lately life has been giving me lemons. I feel like I’m being pelted with lemons. It came on so suddenly too. But like the saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Problem with that is, too many lemons can give you hives. I remember when my son was in preschool. They were learning their alphabet and it was “L” day. They had lemonade, lemon pie, lemon cookies and who knows what other lemony goodies they ate. All I can remember is picking up my son and I was shocked at the numerous hives all over my baby’s face. He was fine after a doctor’s visit and some Benadryl, but it was a little scary.

I know that “this too shall pass” and that I should “look for the silver lining,” or that “joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30). And there’s my husband’s favorite, “Don’t worry ‘bout it!” said with a thick New York accent. But I am human, and therefore stubborn in thinking that I can fix it all.

So after reflection and lots of prayer, I have decided to not worry about a thing. I can’t fix it, I can’t make it better, and I can’t let it make me sick in the process. All I can do is trust in a higher power that things will work out for the best. We all make our own choices, good or bad, and so we must deal with them. “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.” Which is a great saying because we need strength to get out from under the weight of all those lemons!

So, getting back to the lemons, what am I going to do with my lemons? I think I’ll make some lemon granita. With Prosecco, of course.

Yeah, that’ll work!

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