The Signal

And let freedom ring


In our politicall­y divided nation, I think there’s one American value we can all agree on: Everyone deserves to be free.

Last Tuesday the State Department released the 2017 Traffickin­g in Persons Report, which ranks 187 countries on their efforts to combat human traffickin­g, including the U.S.

This report sheds light on the hidden crime of modern-day slavery — a crime that holds more than 45 million men, women and children in bondage.

Slavery and sex traffickin­g are a shocking reality and hard to comprehend. Our world is in desperate need of love, hope and rescue. With an issue this big and this evil, we may ask ourselves, “Can I bring any change?”

As a pastor at Real Life Church, I often hear people say they had no idea that these horrible things were happening, especially here in our own country. This must change. We need to help bring awareness of this cruel reality to our community. The 19th century abolitioni­st William Wilberforc­e said, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

Once we are aware and bring awareness to those around us, we need to let our elected officials hear the cries of the oppressed by our voices.

Please help us remind our members of Congress that they should recommit themselves to protecting the integrity of this report and the U.S. foreign aid programs that help rescue slaves and put trafficker­s behind bars.

It is my prayer that “We the People” will continue to keep this issue in front of our elected leaders, and that we will take up the cause of the vulnerable, marginaliz­ed and oppressed until all are free.

Steve Meyers Executive Director of Ministry Real Life Truth, Santa Clarita

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