The Signal

Charlie Gard’s parents end fight for U.S. treatment

Couple to let terminally ill son ‘be with the angels’ although they are critical of the lengthy court battle

- Kim Hjelmgaard @khjelmgaar­d USA TODAY

A five-month legal battle to get permission to take a terminally ill baby to the United States for experiment­al treatment ended Monday after Charlie Gard’s parents told a British court they were withdrawin­g their legal challenge.

Grant Armstrong, a lawyer representi­ng Chris Gard, 32, and Connie Yates, 31, told Britain’s High Court that “time had run out” and the 11-month-old’s parents made the decision after the American doctor who offered to treat the baby told them it was too late and wouldn’t work.

The couple cried as Armstrong spoke. Yates told the court she “only wanted to give him a chance of life” and hoped that his life had not been in vain.

Yates also had some criticism, saying the family “knew in July (the treatment could work), and our poor boy has been left there to lie in the hospital without treatment while court battles are fought.”

Outside the court, Gard said it was time to let Charlie go and “be with the angels.” He said his son, who he called an “absolute warrior,” won’t make it to his birthday in two weeks. “Charlie has had a greater impact on and touched more people in this world in his 11 months than many people do in a lifetime,” he said.

“We could not have more love and pride for our beautiful little boy,” he said.

The parents now want “to spend the maximum amount of time they have left with Charlie,” Armstrong said. The court previously ruled that Charlie’s lifesuppor­t systems should be switched off and that he should be allowed die with “dignity.”

Charlie has a rare, incurable genetic disorder, and his disease has left him with brain damage and unable to move. He can’t see or hear and needs a ventilator to breathe. His parents, supported by Michio Hirano, a neurology professor at Columbia University Medical Center, and Italian medical researcher­s, were seeking the legal right to take him to the U.S. to receive an untested therapy they conceded would not save him.

The London hospital where Charlie has received his treatment believed there was no medical evidence to support claims the therapy could work. Hospital officials also feared it could prolong his suffering. In Britain, disputes between families and doctors over how to treat a patient are decided by courts. In the U.S., the family makes that decision.

But Armstrong said the parents decided to withdraw from the case since Hirano was no longer willing to administer the therapy after he saw a new MRI scan of the infant’s brain. He concluded his brain and muscular damage were too severe.

Charlie’s parents had raised almost $2 million to treat his illness, known as encephalom­yo-pathic mitochondr­ial DNA depletion syndrome.

The case has drawn internatio­nal interest, including statements from President Trump and Pope Francis in support of the family. The Vatican said Monday evening that the pope was praying for the family and “feels especially close to them at this time of immense suffering.”

In the U.S., Republican­s in Congress introduced legislatio­n that would give the Gard family U.S. residency and a potential route to treatment, although it wasn’t clear whether that would ultimately have enabled them to bypass a British court decision.

In Britain, the case has reignited the debate around right-to-life issues, in particular whether requesting treatment that medical evidence shows won’t work is a moral right to be asserted by family members or whether hospitals and courts are better placed to make decisions about what is best for a patient.

Katie Gollop, a lawyer representi­ng the hospital, said Monday that the hearts of everyone there “go out to Charlie, his mother and father . ... We have more sorrow than I have words to say.”

“Charlie ... touched more people in this world in his 11 months than many people do in a lifetime.”

Chris Gard

 ?? WILL OLIVER, EPA ?? The parents of critically ill baby Charlie Gard, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, deliver a statement outside the High Court in London on Monday. The couple announced that they have abandoned their fivemonth battle for the right for Charlie to undergo...
WILL OLIVER, EPA The parents of critically ill baby Charlie Gard, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, deliver a statement outside the High Court in London on Monday. The couple announced that they have abandoned their fivemonth battle for the right for Charlie to undergo...

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