The Signal



* It was aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart who made the following sage observatio­n: “Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn’t be done.”

* You might be surprised to learn that famed composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wanted to marry the notorious Marie Antoinette. Of course, at the time he stated this desire, he was 6 years old and she was 7.

* It’s possible that you’ve never tried to imagine a baby bat nursing – though, as mammals, they certainly do. Now that you are imagining it, here’s a hint: The babies have to nuzzle into Mom’s armpit (wingpit?) to get to the milk.

* The year the Second Continenta­l Congress issued the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, establishi­ng the United States of America, the fledgling nation had a total population of 2 1/2 million – less than one-third of 1 percent of the global population. By 1800, even though the population of the growing nation had more than doubled, America still ranked 16th in the list of most-populous nations. Today, though, with a population of over 325 million, the United States has more people than any country except China and India.

* Those who study such things say that as we get older, we breathe more slowly.

* Sure, a group of swans can be referred to as a flock or a flight, but why not show some creativity? You can refer to a grounded group as a bank or a drift (presumably due its resemblanc­e to a drift of snow); in the air, they can, collective­ly, be called a wedge.

The best choice, however, might be the fanciful term “a lamentatio­n of swans.”

* If you saw two ships run into each other, you’d likely call it a collision – and you’d be correct if both boats were moving at the time. Technicall­y speaking, though, if one of the boats is stationary, it’s known as an allision.

* Those who study such things say that when a male beaver gets in a wrestling fight with a female beaver, the female usually wins.

* As it turns out, cuddling isn’t just fun – it’s good for you, too! Research shows that snuggling up with a loved one stimulates the release of oxytocin, which (among other things) can help wounds heal faster.

© King Features Synd., Inc.

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