The Signal

Same old story


In her Feb. 17 piece, “A call for action,” Katie Hill explains her deep appreciati­on of the grief and pain caused by gun violence. As a volunteer in emergency rooms she has witnessed the misery first hand.

She has family members on the police force and many friends who are gun owners and strong supporters of the second amendment. She wants action now.

She’s a candidate for the U.S. House of Representa­tives and of course she wants our votes.

She wont get mine and I don’t think she deserves yours and here is why.

Candidate Hill’s “call for action” includes universal background checks, waiting periods, disqualify­ing terrorists and domestic abusers, and those in mental health crisis from buying weapons. She says these are things we can take action on today. Sound familiar? You betcha!

This is the same baloney the pro-NRA politician­s have been feeding us for years. It’s important stuff but it’s secondary. The NRA folks would love us to concentrat­e on those things so we will forget about the most important issue: getting rid of guns that can fire a great many bullets in a very short period of time.

Automatic and semi automatic weapons should be banned to the general public. Furthermor­e, gun manufactur­ers should be required to make weapons that cannot easily be altered to fire automatica­lly.

OK, the latest shooter didn’t use an automatic weapon, but good grief, imagine if he had.

Sorry Katie, you didn’t mention one word about getting rid of these weapons so you don’t get my vote. As a matter of fact, I’m so disgusted with the fact that nothing meaningful gets done in Congress that I’m thinking of running for the “House” myself. Ah, but I’m already in my senior years. Richard Myers


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