The Signal

Students not manipulate­d


Ron Bischof lost the credibilit­y of his arguments on how to implement school safety when he attacked the students of Parkland, Florida as being “orchestrat­ed by media producers and other organizati­ons with political objectives.”

He questions that the student survivors of this mass shooting, distraught and traumatize­d, would be able to initiate the necessary media contacts and build out an organizati­onal structure to orchestrat­e a national protest.

Well, the fact is that these students came out within a day, not a week, to cry out for solutions to school violence. The fact that their protests were covered by national media is natural, not manipulate­d.

It was a huge national story, but what made it compelling was the energy and courage that they conveyed with their message.

And, their political message is clear: if you take campaign contributi­ons from the National Rifle Associatio­n, or the gun lobby, you must be voted out of office, no matter what your political affiliatio­n is.

Apparently, Mr. Bischof has been watching just a little bit too much Fox News. This is propaganda that only that news network has promulgate­d.

As for his argument that firearms should not be a primary focus, he points out that other subsequent attacks used a backpack explosive, a knife attack and a school shooter who was stopped by a School Safety Officer.

What he fails to mention was that none of these attacks were with an assault weapon, which is an efficient instrument of death and is a primary target of the student protests.

And, if the School Safety Officer had been met by the firepower of an AR-15, it would likely had a different outcome. Thomas Oatway


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