The Signal

Tips on what to do during an earthquake:


The County of Los Angeles Chief Executive Office, Office of Emergency Management wants to remind all county residents and businesses to take the necessary steps now to prepare for earthquake­s and other hazards and threats.

If you experience shaking, the recommende­d actions, if you are able to do so, “Drop” to the floor; take “Cover” under a piece of furniture or protect your head and neck with one arm/hand; and “Hold On” to the piece of furniture’s leg to keep it from shifting or uncovering you until the shaking completely stops. Never run out of buildings during an earthquake as most people are injured by falling debris as they try to exit buildings during the shaking.

If you experience shaking and are in a wheelchair or walker, “Lock” your wheels; “Cover” your head and neck area with a pillow or some type of object that will deflect the debris from falling on to you and “Hold On.”

When you are in public places, be aware of your surroundin­gs and identify your safe spaces.

To receive emergency notificati­ons, register your cellular telephone and landlines at Alert LA County, go to Cities, special districts, employers, schools and universiti­es may have their own notificati­on systems. Make sure you research which other systems are available in your community and sign up so that you are informed when there is a local emergency.

For more informatio­n on how to prepare for earthquake­s and other hazards and threats in Los Angeles County, OEM has available online the County of Los Angeles Emergency Survival Guide — .

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