The Signal

‘Tag’ among recent releases

- By Richard Roeper

These movies are now out on video.


(Comedy, R, 100 m., 2018). Despite the best efforts of a cast headed by Ed Helms and Jake Johnson, this comedy about friends in their 40s who reunite each year for a month-long game of tag is a deadly drag, filled with uninspired slapstick gags and cardboard characters that practicall­y dare us not to like them. Rating: 1/2

Book Club

(Comedy, PG-13, 104 m., 2018). Great as it is to see Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Mary Steenburge­n and Candice Bergen on the big screen, too bad they’re flounderin­g about in this undercooke­d, silly and often downright inexplicab­le romantic comedy that plays like lesser Nora Ephron. Rating: 

First Reformed

(Drama, R, 113 m., 2018). Ethan Hawke is haunting and brilliant as a man in crisis, a reverend at a small church who comes to the conclusion he must do something bold and horrible and brutal. This is the most impactful work in years from writer-director Paul Schrader (“Taxi Driver”). Rating: 1/2

Deadpool 2

(Comic book/action-adventure, R, 111 m., 2018). Ryan Reynolds’ second turn as the cynical, witty superhero is wicked, dark fun from start to finish, with some twisted and very funny special effects, cool production elements, terrific ensemble work -- and for dessert, perhaps the best end-credits “cookie” scene ever. Rating: 1/2

Avengers: Infinity War

(Sci-fi action, PG-13, 156 m., 2108). This massively enjoyable and just plain massive candy-colored thrill ride adventure brings the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy together to help hold off a villain with a richly dramatic background and actual dialogue. It’s the biggest and most ambitious Marvel movie yet, but it’s not the best. Rating: 1/2

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