The Signal

Proud to Support Hill for Congress


I am prouder than the Dickens to cast my vote for Katie Hill, for only she — not her opponent — has her mind and heart in the proper manner for our district to flourish, now and for times to come. Katie Hill believes in health care for all, not just those few who can afford the present high costs of health care. Indeed, yes, Ms. Hill shall make affordable health care for all! She shall do that by lowering the cost for health care, appreciabl­y.

Moreover, Katie Hill shall reach out for affordable education, from pre-kindergart­en all the way through college! Democrats like Katie Hill believe that in a country run by the people, America, the people need to be as educated as possible. Indeed, people rule works best when the people are educated to their best potential! In order to make that a reality, Katie Hill believes that education should be affordable to all.

A vote for Katie Hill brings the aforesaid accountabi­lity where it should be, into Washington, D.C. Therefore, I urge all voters to cast their ballot for Katie Hill on Nov. 6! Katie Hill, indeed, shall take the lead in the aforesaid issues. I know from example in my own life that a university education was the best route for me to becoming a serious American voter, such that Katie Hill is in my best interest as regards that. Be smart, vote for Katie Hill.

Robert W. Burton

Santa Clarita

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