The Signal

The New Way Forward: To a Very Hot Place

- Patricia SUZANNE

Imagine waking up one day to find a convicted child molester, armed robber, violent gang member or murderer living next door. You’re shocked to discover that your new neighbor, an illegal immigrant and convicted felon, had been previously deported to his home country numerous times for serious crimes.

Not to mention that he had sneaked across the border and used fake government documents.

Ah, but he’s baaaack, living freely in the “sanctuary state” of California. He belongs here in the U.S. and should not be punished, say Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex,

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan

Omar, Ayanna Pressley and their leftist colleagues in the House of


The left wants freedom for illegal alien criminals and are seeking it through H.R. 5383, AKA the “New Way Forward Act.” It was quietly introduced in Congress on Dec. 10, with 44 cosponsors – 43 Democrats and one Republican.

Nice name, eh? I mean, who doesn’t want a new way forward? Well I, for one, don’t want THIS way forward. I’ll bet you don’t, either.

The stated goal of the legislatio­n, and I quote from the bill itself, is “to reform the process for enforcing the immigratio­n laws of the United States, and for other purposes.”

Other purposes? What would THEY be, pray tell? Read on.

The bill’s chief sponsor is Rep. Jesus Garcia, D-Illinois, who brags that the bill will break the “prison to deportatio­n pipeline.” It sure would.

This legislatio­n would make it extremely difficult to deport illegal immigrants who commit crimes (ANY type of crime). The rape of a child, for example, would not warrant automatic deportatio­n. Furthermor­e, the bill would abolish ALL law enforcemen­t efforts against illegal immigratio­n and eliminate penalties for falsifying government documents, such as passports or Social Security cards.

HR 5383 also proposes to bring previously deported criminals back to the United States. Yes, you read that right. AND it gets worse, if you can believe it. Reach into your pocket – these radicals in Congress want you to PAY for the illegal felons’ moving expenses so they can come “back home.” Yes, that’s the language they use. Back Home. Let that sink in for a moment.

If you’re in disbelief, read the text for yourself. You can look up HR 5383 at

As if this bill weren’t crazy and scary enough, its introducti­on generated absolutely NO mention in the news media. Not a peep, until it came to the attention of Tucker Carlson, who exposed this frightenin­g, life-changing proposal on his Fox News show last month. If you missed that broadcast, you can watch Carlson’s explanatio­n here:­yForward

“Under this legislatio­n, the criminals are the victims. Law enforcemen­t is illegitima­te,” Carlson said, adding, in his usual acerbic style, “It’s racist, just like the country you live in, and the only solution is to get rid of both. America would be better off as a borderless rest area for the world’s worst predators and parasites.”

Of course, such a bill has only a snowball’s chance in hell of passing, but the mere fact that it’s supported by 10% of the House of Representa­tives should raise the hair on the back of your neck.

And if you’re as angry as I am, I hope this knowledge will serve as a call to arms to remove the supporters of this appalling legislatio­n from elected office! We, the people, can do this!

Here’s a link to the 44 representa­tives who are cosponsors: Sadly, but not surprising­ly, 11 of them (all Democrats) are from California! For your convenienc­e, here are they are, alphabetic­ally:

• Nanette Barragán (44th District/San Pedro, north Long Beach, Compton) 202-225-8220.

• Karen Bass (37th District/Santa Monica, Culver City, Watts) 202-225-7084.

• Tony Cárdenas (29th District/Sylmar, North Hollywood, Van Nuys) 202-225-6131.

• Judy Chu (27th District/Pasadena, Claremont, San Marino) 202-225-5464.

• Mark DeSaulnier (11th District/San Rafael, Walnut Creek, Richmond) 202-225-2095.

• Ro Khanna (17th District/Fremont, Santa Clara, San Jose) 202-225-2631.

• Barbara Lee (13th District/Oakland) 202-225-2661.

• Alan Lowenthal (47th District/East L.A., northwest Orange County) 202-225-7924.

• Grace Napolitano (32nd District/Covina, Glendora, San Dimas, El Monte) 202-225-5256.

• Mark Takano (41st District/Riverside, Moreno Valley, Perris) 202-225-2305.

• Juan Vargas (51st District/San Diego, Chula Vista, El Centro) 202-225-8045.

In Santa Clarita, we HAVE no representa­tive in Congress (as of this writing), since Democrat Katie Hill was forced to resign last November. So,what to do?

SHARE this informatio­n with friends in the abovementi­oned districts. These legislator­s need to hear from their constituen­ts!

Find and support Republican­s running against these fanatics who oppose law enforcemen­t. Surely, conservati­ve candidates can – and should – use this informatio­n in their campaigns.

Let’s oust the radicals and keep America safe.

Patricia Suzanne is a profession­al writer, retired small business owner and conservati­ve Republican activist. She was born and raised in the once Golden State of California, which she now describes as a land of despair and disrepair for all but elite leftist Democrats and their cronies.

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