The Signal

A chance to focus on the positives

Student helping grandmothe­r finds wedding ring missing for years

- By Caleb Lunetta Signal Staff Writer

Stevenson Ranch resident and CSUN student Stephanie Probert wanted to help her grandmothe­r out during COVID-19, but never expected to find the ring her grandfathe­r had given her grandmothe­r nearly half a century ago.

According to Probert, she said she was at home much like everyone else during COVID-19, wondering what she could be doing with her time when it wasn’t occupied with school work.

“I feel like everyone’s been really negative about

this instead of looking at the positives,” said Probert. “I couldn’t see my grandmothe­r because I was busy with school, but with this now I can.”

Probert’s grandmothe­r, Pat LoGrasso, told her granddaugh­ter to come over if she was bored at home, but truly wanted her company. Driving once a week down to her grandmothe­r’s home in Rancho Cucamonga, Probert said she got busy fast helping out LoGrasso, who suffers from chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease, or COPD.

“She does get very exhausted very easily,” said Probert. “So I make dinner, I help her move things, we’ve actually been redoing parts of her house.“

Probert has also helped with outdoor chores as well as doing the grocery shopping in order to ensure her elderly grandmothe­r does not need to go outside and be exposed to the coronaviru­s.

“She’s here and she helps out a lot,” said LoGrasso.

However, probably the most impactful thing she’s done for her grandmothe­r, LoGrasso said, was helping her find a cherished item she thought she had lost forever.

In 2014, LoGrasso had moved homes and during the move she had dropped her jewelry box. She said she scrambled to pick everything up from the ground, including her wedding ring.

However, when she went back to check the box, she could not find the wedding band that her husband, who had since passed away, had given her to kick off their 40 years of marriage.

LoGrasso has been wearing, every day, the 25th anniversar­y ring her husband gave her. But during one of Probert’s visits, her granddaugh­ter shouted out to her, “Grandma, is this the ring you were looking for?”

Probert said she found the ring in a small baggie tucked away in the jewelry box.

“I just started crying,” said LoGrasso. “I felt that I had just lost it, and figured it was in the grass up in Lockwood somewhere.”

“I wear it around my neck with my husband’s wedding band and a little heart with his fingerprin­t on it.”

“I want to take this time and spend it with her,” said Probert. “I want all these memories with her.”

 ?? Courtesy photo ?? Pat LoGrasso holds the ring her granddaugh­ter Stephanie Probert helped her find.
Courtesy photo Pat LoGrasso holds the ring her granddaugh­ter Stephanie Probert helped her find.

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