The Signal

Capitol Break-in a Pawn in Power Grab


Part 2 of 5.

It’s disconcert­ing that, prior to the Jan. 6 Capitol break-in, the FBI had informatio­n that there might be violence, yet no actions were taken to prepare the Capitol Police. It may seem farfetched to imagine Speaker Nancy Pelosi would set the Capitol Police up to fail just to malign Donald Trump, but judging by the past, it’s logical to assume she would. She has pushed her agenda to have him impeached, unsuccessf­ully, not once, but twice. And now that he has OHIW RI¿FH VKH FRQWLQXHV WR GLVSDUDJH DQG YLOLI\ KLP According to Headline USA and Forbes, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund asked House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who reported to Pelosi, for permission to activate the National Guard. Irving denied the request, stating that neither the “optics” nor prelimiQDU\ UHSRUWV DERXW SRWHQWLDO YLROHQFH MXVWL¿HG LW

According to NPR, Sund says he requested assistance six times ahead of and during the attack on the Capitol. Each request was denied or delayed, he says. $IWHU -DQ 3HORVL ¿UHG ,UYLQJ DQG IRUFHG 6XQG WR resign without consulting House Republican­s, who have requested an explanatio­n, which has been ignored. It’s reasonable to assume that had Sund been given the additional troops, they would have been successful in stopping rioters from entering the Capitol. But that wouldn’t advance the narrative that the Capitol needs to be protected from Trump supporters.

Fresh off Trump’s impeachmen­t charade acquittal, Democrats are making it clear they’re not done exploiting the Capitol riot. Pelosi is pushing to establish an outside independen­t 9/11-type commission ostensibly to investigat­e the Capitol break-in, but in reality, probably to effect a massive power grab to take away more of our First Amendment rights. What’s next, our Second Amendment rights? It’s ridiculous and insulting how the left and the media have comSDUHG WKH &DSLWRO EUHDN LQ ZKHUH ¿YH SHRSOH GLHG WR Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Bosnia and Rwanda.

A half-billion dollars has already been spent primarily on keeping 6,000 National Guard troops in D.C., and they have stated they want the guard to remain through the fall. It is nothing but political theater and disproport­ionate to a non-existent threat. Do they really need all that fencing and razor wire surroundin­g the Capitol? The only violence I’ve been aware of since the peaceful transfer of power is from the darlings of the left. On Feb. 6, Antifa and Black Lives Matter held an FTP (F the Police) March LQ ' & ZKHUH WKH\ FDUULHG DQ DQWL IDVFLVW ÀDJ DQG chanted, “If we don’t get it, burn it down.”

For the record, on the day of Trump’s inaugurati­on in 2017, thousands of leftists rioted in D.C. and hundreds were arrested, then all charges were dropped.

This is just like the three-year Russian collusion hoax. There was no collusion by the president, only Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, who paid a Russian spy for a false dossier. They spied on our president thanks to the courtesy of FRUUXSW RI¿FLDOV DW %DUDFN 2EDPD¶V )%, DQG 'HSDUWment of Justice. Then they spun a made-up narrative and pushed that story for three years, all the while knowing it was all lies they had fabricated. For what purpose – I suspect to take the focus off Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails, her private server with top-seFUHW ¿OHV RQ LW DQG RWKHU FULPLQDO DFWLYLW\

Then there was the phone call to the president of the Ukraine, with several others listening in on the call, which was recorded and later released to the public. Nothing improper was said or implied on that call, but Rep. Adam Schiff created a narrative that was totally false, and the media ran with it, and then Congress tried to impeach Trump for it. They knew impeachmen­t would never pass the Senate, but they pushed forward just to harass and discredit him.

The left’s sole focus for four years has been to get rid of Trump. He was exposing the swamp, and they could not have that! Have they become so devious that they have to create divisions to take the focus off what is really going on with the 53-plus executive orders that have been signed to date, most of which are harmful to Americans? The Democrat Party has drifted so far left, John Kennedy wouldn’t recognize it. Beverley Scott


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