The Signal

Why We Fight Like Our Hair’s on Fire


Imagine you purchase a slice of Santa Clarita where you walk your kids to school, make friends with the neighbors and stay through retirement if you choose. Then a self-described billionair­e businessma­n comes in and decides to build one of the largest resorts in L.A. County a few blocks from your house. And when you protest the developmen­t, he calls you ³VHO¿VK ´ 2SSRVLQJ WKH 6DQG &DQ\RQ +RWHO 6SD 5HVRUW SURMHFW LV QRW VHO¿VK ± LW¶V VHOI SUHVHUYDWL­RQ

Hundreds of us have written letters, sent emails and made phone calls asking city leaders to reject the multi-level hotel and resort project proposed by Steve Kim. We have more than strong feelings. We’ve offered rock-solid arguments detailing why it’s unsafe and unacceptab­le.

But Mr. Kim fails to acknowledg­e his project’s danger to the lives of residents; instead, he discusses the damage to his emotions. “I take it so personally, it really hurts me,” he said to the Santa Clarita planning commission­ers. “It’s very hard to bear … I thought I lived in a much fairer world in the United States.”

Actually, fairness is why we’re asking the commission­ers to do two things: Consider the emotions of WKRXVDQGV RI WKH DUHD¶V UHVLGHQWV DV PRUH VLJQL¿FDQW than one man’s ambitions; and reject the project because of the reasons listed below.

,I \RX OLYH HOVHZKHUH LQ 6&9 '21¶7 GR]H RII This misplaced, unnecessar­ily oversized commercial SURMHFW ± LQ WKH PLGGOH RI D UHVLGHQWLD­O FRPPXQLW\ ± ZRXOG VHW D SUHFHGHQW WKDW FDQ KXUW \RXU QHLJKERUho­od next. How? Let me count the ways:

1. It will mean our leaders do not honor their promises: We’re asking the Planning Commission to stand by the crucial agreement of 1996 regarding Robinson 5DQFK FRQVWUXFWL­RQ ± XQDQLPRXVO\ SDVVHG E\ VXFK esteemed City Council members as Carl Boyer, Jo Anne Darcy and Clyde Smyth. It promises the preservati­on of approximat­ely 300 acres of that land into perpetuity as recreation­al/open space. Mr. Kim wants it changed to commercial zoning. Please, commission­ers, vote against reversing our special standards.

,W ZLOO PHDQ \RXU VDIHW\ UDQNV EHORZ SUR¿W 5Hmember the Sand Fire? A hallmark of Sand Canyon LV LWV IUHTXHQW ZLOG¿UHV 7KHUH LV RQO\ RQH URDG RXW so we load families in cars and livestock in trailers and idle for hours, hoping we don’t block lifesavLQJ HTXLSPHQW RU ¿UH¿JKWLQJ SHUVRQQHO :K\ ZRXOG you add hundreds of guests to our area when we can EDUHO\ JHW RXW GXULQJ HPHUJHQFLH­V"

3. It will mean that overbuildi­ng is vanquishin­g the priority of open space, making our valley look and feel more like the San Fernando Valley. Canyon Country is experienci­ng commercial developmen­t QRZ ± DQG LW¶V +8*( 9LVWD &DQ\RQ ZLOO FUHDWH PRQumental changes here, including a train station and a KRWHO ,W PDNHV QR VHQVH WR JUHHQOLJKW DQRWKHU KRWHO project before we’ve seen the impact of this one.

4. It will mean people can be bought: This is uncomforta­ble, but I have to say it. I am dismayed to see people call in to Planning Commission meetings to support Mr. Kim based on nothing more than the IDFW WKDW KH JDYH WKHLU QRQSUR¿WV PRQH\ 7KH\ GRQ¶W live here. They won’t be affected by overcrowdi­ng, WKH DGGHG GDQJHU GXULQJ ZLOG¿UHV D ORVV RI JXDUDQteed open space, and years of unwanted noise and upheaval from constructi­on for a commercial project right smack in the middle of our homes. When Mr. Kim asks for your backing, please say “no.”

5. It will mean developmen­ts can crush local concerns. We live here for factors this project threatens to destroy. The zoning includes horse trails and ownership of everything from RVs to llamas. CommerFLDO ]RQLQJ LQ RXU UHVLGHQWLD­O QHLJKERUKR­RG GH¿HV that purpose.

Perhaps it’s Mr. Kim’s Disney-sized aspiration­s, but Sand Canyon lacks the space, the weather and the allure for any notable vacation destinatio­n. If he would just restore the golf course and restaurant to its former glory, we’d applaud him.

“A good cause” is what Mr. Kim calls this project. “I’m not trying to make money,” he said. “I found this is a really good opportunit­y for (the) local community.”

Perhaps he can bring the “opportunit­y” to an area that both wants and needs a resort. Meanwhile, the planning commission­ers get a win-win if they reject the proposal: There is greater considerat­ion for Mr. Kim’s feelings by releasing him early from an unsuitable business project; and it keeps the safety of our canyon from going up in smoke.

Martha Michael Santa Clarita

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