The Signal

Bereavemen­t Leave After Abortion?


As reported by KATU-TV2 in Portland, Oregon, city leaders there have decided to be

WKH ¿UVW FLW\ LQ RXU FRXQWU\ WR RIIHU EHUHDYHmen­t leaves for employees after they have an abortion.

The City Council unanimousl­y approved the new policy, allowing employees to take off three days of work as “bereavemen­t leave” following an abortion or any type of pregnancy loss. This would seem to admit that a “baby” has died in such a “loss” and the parents deserve time to grieve.

Could this acknowledg­ment be a positive step for the radically leftist politician­s in Portland toward celebratin­g human life?

Those who have no biblical background are at the mercy of secular ethicists and political pundits who wish to justify their own personal ELRHWKLFV ,W LV D VFLHQWL¿F IDFW WKDW QR PDWWHU WKH number of weeks of pregnancy or the stage or status along the human continuum from the initial multiplyin­g of the cells of a human zygote to a maturing human fetus, it is always a human, with God-created potential and destiny, which is worth celebratin­g.

Abortion is not just a “terminatio­n of a pregnancy,” but is human euthanasia, no matter what compelling rationale or altruistic agenda is used to justify it. However, to believe this and say so is not always easy nor popular. It only makes logical sense if you then believe it should apply to every human life, young and old, all the time and not just when it is politicall­y acceptable, or only when it comes to your own personal life or family.

Almost every day, governors stand at a podium and call on their constituen­ts to cooperate with their edicts and make tremendous sacri¿FHV WR ´SURWHFW KXPDQ OLYHV ´

Those who tout “science and data” as our way out of this novel coronaviru­s crisis and those who share this life-ending, political ideology are complicit in ending more lives than COVID-19 ever will.

Gary Curtis Newhall

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