The Signal

Wiley Open Space in Jeopardy


My name is Robert Mcsweeney. I am a 60-year resident of Newhall. I am commenting on the proposed developmen­t on Wiley Canyon.

City Council members boasted being enthusiast­ic advocates for open spaces in Santa Clarita in recent elections. The proposed developmen­t in Wiley Canyon, however, contradict­s these pledges for open spaces.

City Council take note. The voices of your constituen­ts are not heard. The informatio­n kick-off meeting for the project was well-attended. To say there was considerab­le opposition would be an understate­ment. Speakers were only given a minute to speak because there were so many people voicing opposition.

The developer then decided to have his own informatio­nal meeting, trying to reach out to the local community. The reaction was the same. Considerab­le opposition due to same reasons: parking, traffic, destructio­n of a floodplain, destructio­n of areas adjacent to the tributary to the Santa Clara River that runs through this property, and destructio­n of the wildlife migration corridor servicing Towsley Canyon with the back side of the Wildwood ridgeline.

The city response? A meeting held in City Hall that was nothing more than propaganda for the developer trying to tell the local residents why this poorly conceived plan was so good for them. This was so transparen­t that it was offensive.

This land is a floodplain. The developer says he is going to fix it. It doesn’t need fixing. The floodplain serves many purposes, including being a spreading grounds for aquifer recharging.

The Santa Monica Mountain Conservanc­y provided a response to the notice of preparatio­n. Ironically, the city of Santa Clarita representa­tive was the only person in the Santa Monica Conservanc­y to abstain from supporting this position paper.

I call on the City Council to affirm their commitment to open space and consider the Wiley Canyon area as the open space that it truly is.

Robert Mcsweeney


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