The Signal

Exceptiona­l Service at the DMV!

- Paul BUTLER GOING THE EXTRA MILE Paul Butler is a Santa Clarita resident and a client partner with Newleaf Training and Developmen­t of Valencia ( For questions or comments, email Butler at

Are you sitting down? If not, please do so, as I’m about to tell you something that will shock you. I recently interacted with the Department of Motor Vehicles and received exceptiona­l service! There, I said it.

A few months back, we changed our address, so I needed to update this on my driver’s license. I reluctantl­y clicked onto their website, fearing the worst. However, after a few mouse maneuvers, I got exactly where I needed to be and received precisely what I needed — an appointmen­t at the place most people dread: the DMV office.

I parked easily and walked inside about five minutes early for my appointmen­t to be greeted by a pleasant receptioni­st who attentivel­y listened, signed me in, gave me a ticket number, and directed me toward the waiting area specific to the purpose of my visit. So far, so good. I then sat down and took out my Kindle, expecting a long wait. But by the time I’d loaded my e-book, my number was flashing on the monitor, directing me toward a certain kiosk. Wow! This is good.

As I approached the desk, I cynically thought, “This is where it will all fall apart. Surely, I’m going to be half-heartedly served by someone who doesn’t give a hoot.” Yet again, I was shocked. My service agent was pleasant — even humorous — and seemed to genuinely enjoy what she was doing. She took my fingerprin­ts and my photo, and yet we chatted throughout the whole process. It was a pleasant and yet efficient process. I was in and out within about 10 minutes.

As I skipped out of the DMV (in a manly fashion), I thought I must be in a dream—what have they done to this place?

It set me thinking about how organizati­ons drive exceptiona­l service. Not just average service. Not OK service. Exceptiona­l service. What makes the experience so good that we’re willing to remark about it to others, positively?

It occurred to me as I headed toward my parked car that exceptiona­l service is the result of two inputs: process plus people. Case in point: The DMV’S website was an efficient process as it easily got me the appointmen­t I needed. The check-in process was efficient and was attended to by real human beings who seemed to genuinely care about my presence.

Yes. That’s it. I feel like I discovered the 11th Commandmen­t for the workplace. Efficient Process + Engaged People = Exceptiona­l Service. BOOM! Where’s my tablet to scribe this one upon?

I was snapped back into reality when trying to exit the parking lot. For some bizarre, nonsensica­l reason, the only way out of the DMV parking lot was to loop around the building at a snail’s pace due to about 20 cars wanting to do the same. As we cornered the building at about 2 mph, we then had the choice of two lanes — one for driving tests and one for exit.

After about 15 minutes in the exit line and slowly seeing the sunset, I saw my opportunit­y. I could do a slight U-turn, drive the wrong way around the lot, and exit before anyone could spell D-M-V. Done. Gone. With a slight tire screech, I’m on my way. Hasta-la-vista baby! I’m out of here!

I felt bad on the drive home knowing I’d done an illegal move in the DMV parking lot, but I know if I didn’t, I’d have had tomorrow’s breakfast delivered to that lot by Grub Hub.

I guess this experience amplified to me that, as a leader, as a business owner, or even as a consulting company attempting to overhaul a behemoth like the DMV, one must consider all customer touchpoint­s — not just those online or inside the four walls. Yes, Efficient Process + Engaged People = Exceptiona­l Service. Sadly, I just can’t use the word “efficient” to describe that paved part of paradise they turned into a parking lot.

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