The Signal

Medical-industrial Emancipati­on


My grandfathe­r was forced to immigrate from Japan to Canada in 1910. As I learned, he owned many sake factories in Japan, which were nationaliz­ed in a government takeover of certain businesses. Government­s do that. e family was heavily burdened, pressuring them to move across the Paci c.

Over the next century, our family prospered under the Canadian government, with some family members coming to the United States.

One re ection of any government is the health care provided to its citizens. e U.S. is failing in life expectancy, caring for older adults, perinatal care, cost of medication and treatment, and equity in access.

Despite this country being a leading medical technology developer in the world, its health care ranking is worsening compared to other countries. Why? Greed.

Instead of enhancing our nation’s health care, the medical-industrial complex of pharmaceut­ical manufactur­ers, hospitals and insurance companies is reaching into the pockets of Americans to snatch their dollars.

For example:

• Sickle cell anemia has been a scourge for many centuries, yet now a cure is available utilizing new scienti c technology. But only a few can take advantage because it costs $2 million for a one-time treatment per person.

• There are newly developed Dna-altering mutation cancer treatments that can be $30,000 per month.

• Your doctor is forced to fill out mounds of paperwork to receive “prior authorizat­ion” dictated by insurance paper pushers for you to receive evidenceba­sed care.

Will insurance companies pay for these? “Denied!” Many in California and even across the nation are happy to see the value of their homes increase. Remember, though, that this asset might make you a deep pocket and a future target of the medical-industrial complex, seeking new resources that they will force you to tap into.

We know that, compared to other nations, we pay more than double for health care than any other country. As quality health care around the world surpasses the U.S., we face the unenviable realizatio­n our children and grandchild­ren will face worsening illness as a ordability is beyond their reach.

Author and historian Jon Meacham, in his recent book “And ere Was Light,” chronicles emancipati­on and the life of Abraham Lincoln, “that progress comes when Americans recognize that all, not just some, possess common rights and are due common respect.”

Adequate health care should be an American right for all, emancipati­ng us from the shackles the medical-industrial complex has intentiona­lly bound us to. We, the People, can then prosper health-wise like other nations around the world.

erefore, what can we do? Nationaliz­e health care? But health care is di erent from sake.

Some will say it is another socialisti­c or communisti­c ploy for the government to control our lives.

Well, maybe our capitalist­ic ways need some tweaking for our nation to survive. Blending in common sense may allow us to preserve a better future so no one has to move overseas.

My profession is predicated on the scienti c theory of statistics and following trends in developing evidence-based medicine. It works. However, greed by the medical-industrial complex will interfere with how science can be used to cure the ills of our society.

erefore, let’s analyze our U.S. health care system for improvemen­ts and question the hidden faults.

For instance:

• How much do pharmaceut­ical companies really invest in “research and developmen­t”?

• What are executives’ salaries, compensati­on packages and bonuses in the medical-industrial complex?

• What does it really cost to manufactur­e a pill?

• How much do these medical-industrial complex stakeholde­rs pay and in uence lawmakers to a ect their special interests?

• What right do insurance companies have to direct a doctor in your medical care, in uencing the drugs, procedures, or end-of-life care you receive? What is their educationa­l background to “deny” the medical care being rendered by your well-trained doctor?

Realize that these questions have been asked and gone unanswered for the past several decades to keep the sham going.

When I want to cure a patient with many problems, I focus on the most life-threatenin­g ones. Our nation’s most threatenin­g problem is the need for a fair, equitable, and cost-friendly health care system.

We might not need a government takeover of health care, and we don’t need to leave the country. But we must sit down as a nation and cure these problems without the in uence of greed.

Dr. Gene Dorio

Santa Clarita

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