The Southern Berks News

Amazon not prime for New York

- Commentary >> LowmanHenr­y LowmanS. Henry Columnist

It appears not everyone loves poured in as they attempted to New York. Amazon has broken lure the highly profitable enteroff its brief relationsh­ip with prise to their venue. the city, longThis approach to “economic time New Yorkdevelo­pment” is common. Cities ers are comand states often compete in efplaining about forts to get business to expand the rising cost of or locate within their boundgetti­ng lunch bearies. cause of a miniBut, when companies — esmum wage hike, pecially highly profitable ones and the state that pay no federal taxes — are treasury is comgiven hundreds of millions in ing up short due state and local tax relief then to the exodus of high earners. the cost must be borne by the

No, all is not well in the Demother businesses and individual ocratic Socialist Republic of taxpayers in a city or state. In New York. Pennsylvan­ia the duplicity is ex

New York’s attempt to intertreme: Philadelph­ia and Pittsfere in free markets by picking burgh offered Amazon millions winners and losers has backto come here while at the same fired spectacula­rly in the case time Governor Wolf and legislaof Amazon’s now withdrawn tive Democrats want to tax natdecisio­n to locate half of its secural gas drillers, who are alond national headquarte­rs in ready here.

Queens. The decision came afThe cost of such “incenter activists and politician­s tives” falls particular­ly hard on such as media darling Alexansmal­l businesses, almost all of dria Ocasio-Cortez blasted the which never are given any such lucrative package of incentives tax breaks. The Keystone Busithe city and state dangled beness Climate Survey of business fore Amazon during the site seowners and chief executive offilectio­n process. cers has polled this question re

A broken clock is right twice peatedly over the years and the a day as the saying goes, and it people who actually own and applies here. Although for the run businesses already here say wrong reasons, Ocasio-Cortez they would rather the state imand her supporters were justiprove its overall tax and busified in their opposition to the ness climate than offer targeted Amazon deal. They decried the incentives to favored compacorpo­rate welfare offered to nies. lure Amazon to New York. Neither Pennsylvan­ia nor

Amazon played cities and New York has much going for states across the nation against them on that front. The Amerieach other in a high profile can Legislativ­e Exchange Counsweeps­takes with the prize becil’s newly released Rich States/ ing chosen as the site for soPoor States report listed Penncalled HQ2. Offers of tax credsylvan­ia’s tax/business climate its, tax relief, and outright as 38th among the states. New grants of taxpayer money York ranked dead last at 50th.

New York had the worst tax/ business climate in the nation even before its increase of the minimum wage to $15 per hour. In recent days price hikes have taken hold at New York City restaurant­s and customer complaints are on the rise. When mandated by government to pay higher labor costs businesses have few options and raising prices is one of them.

The Lincoln Institute’s Keystone Business Climate Survey has also found that owners/ CEOs will cut employee hours, eliminate jobs, or even go out of business entirely if the minimum wage is increased. Wolf, wanting to emulate the failed policies in New York is pushing for just such an increase in Penn’s Woods. He also wants to mandate a minimum salary for teachers. Both proposals fail to take into considerat­ion the ability of those paying the salary to cover increased labor costs.

An inevitable result of this government meddling in the marketplac­e is that businesses and people leave. New York has seen a decline in state tax revenue because not only businesses, but high earners are fleeing the state to escape its high tax burden.

Pennsylvan­ia has one advantage over New York: a state legislatur­e that has largely kept a Democratic governor from implementi­ng disastrous economic policies. Despite the fact these policies have already failed in our neighborin­g state, Tom Wolf continues to blindly walk down the same path. It remains to be seen whether or not the legislatur­e joins him on that journey.

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