The Southern Berks News

Why is UPMC restrictin­g health care coverage for state troopers?


Pennsylvan­ia State Troopers accept the dangers of their job. So do our loved ones. It’s the price we pay for seeking to serve our communitie­s.

But what we cannot accept is when a so-called nonprofit is trying to restrict the healthcare benefits for fellow troopers and their families. That’s exactly what will happen if behemoth UPMC disqualifi­es anyone who doesn’t use them as the primary provider of health services. UPMC has moved to do just that on June 30, 2019. Highmark is the primary provider for troopers and, due to contractua­l obligation­s with the commonweal­th, changes to our healthcare cannot take place until 2020.

For six months or more, troopers and their families seeking care at a UPMC health care site would need to prepay for their health costs. This could prove insurmount­able for the vast majority of troopers. We dread the following scenario, but this could happen: A trooper could be critically injured in the line of duty only to find their expensive, long-term rehabilita­tion and recovery unprotecte­d due to these unfair, draconian measures by UPMC that seem to be contrary to their nonprofit status.

We always thought nonprofits were there to help their communitie­s and serve the people who live there. What UPMC is doing more closely resembles corporate greed at its absolute worst.

We ask every legislator in the Pennsylvan­ia General Assembly to support legislatio­n that will soon be introduced to resolve this issue between Highmark and UPMC. It’s inconceiva­ble that those who protect our commonweal­th could find themselves unprotecte­d when it comes to healthcare. Troopers, their families, and potentiall­y millions of Pennsylvan­ians who will be impacted by this, must be protected.

Failure to do so could literally cost lives. —Harry R. Dannehower III, Retired trooper, Legislativ­e Liaison Pennsylvan­ia State Troopers Associatio­n

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