The Standard Journal

Saving water


Polk County Extension Office is located at 20 N. Main Street, Cedartown. Phone 770-749- 2142 or email uge2233@

For vigorous plant growth, water conservati­on and better disease control, drip watering systems are hard to beat.

Drip watering systems are tremendous for home hardeners. They cut water consumptio­n by one-half or more – a big advantage with the rising cost of water.

Drip systems range from the very simple and inexpensiv­e, to complex systems costing hundreds. But they all have one thing in common: they use water efficientl­y by allowing it to seep slowly into the soil only where it’s needed – around plant roots. There is no water runoff or evaporatio­n, which can account for up to 50 percent of water loss with sprinkler systems.

Most vegetables have a root zone from 12 to 18 inches deep. With overhead sprinklers, there is so much water runoff and evaporatio­n that deep roots may go without needed moisture even when they’re watered regularly.

Another big advantage of drip watering over sprinkler systems is disease control.

Wet foliage, especially at night, develops funguses and leaf diseases like powdery mildew. Drip watering eliminates this problem by applying water directly into the soil, well beneath plant leaves.

There are two basic ways to install a drip system. The best method is to run an undergroun­d line from the water source to the garden area. Then run drip hoses from the main line to drip hoses in each bed or row. Using twin-walled drip hoses will allow you to run longer lengths of hose without losing pressure along the way somewhere.

The alternativ­e is simply to run a garden hose from the water source to the garden area and hook it to a drip hose. This method requires more labor because the main hose must be moved from bed to bed for watering, but it’s the least expensive form of drip watering.

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