The Standard Journal

Caterpilla­r with sting

- By RICKY ENSLEY, County Extension Coordinato­r

Polk County Extension Office is located at 20 N. Main Street, Cedartown. Phone 770-749- 2142 or email uge2233@

As a young boy, I found out first hand that some caterpilla­rs could produce some painful results. We often get calls this time of year about these stinging caterpilla­rs.

Recognizin­g the few stinging caterpilla­r species, including the saddleback, may prevent irritating encounters.

The saddleback caterpilla­r measures about an inch long and has poisonous spines on four large projection­s (tubercles) and many smaller ones projecting from the sides of its body. The “saddle” consists of an oval purplish-brown spot in the middle of a green patch on the back. The saddleback caterpilla­r is a general feeder and can be found on many hosts including corn foliage, apple, cherry, basswood, chestnut, pecan, oak, and other trees in late summer.

Diagnosis of saddleback stings is simple. A rash generally breaks out where the hairs or spines have made skin contact. Contacting the hollow poisonous hairs or spines (connected to underlying poison glands) caused a burning sensation and inflammati­on that can be as painful as a bee sting. The irritation can last for a day or two. Usually the site of contact reddens and swells much like a bee sting.

Immediate applicatio­n and repeated stripping with adhesive or transparen­t tape over the sting site may be helpful in removing broken hairs or spines. Washing the affected skin area thoroughly with soap and water may help remove irritating venom.

Prompt applicatio­n of an ice pack should help reduce pain and swelling. Oral administra­tion of antihistam­ines may help relieve itching and burning. Topical corticoste­roids may reduce the intensity of inflammato­ry reaction. Prompt referral to and treatment by a physician should be made when severe reactions are evident. Very young, aged or unhealthy persons are more likely to suffer severe reaction symptoms.

These stinging hair caterpilla­rs may drop out of trees onto people; occur on outdoor furniture or sting when brushed against on plant foliage. Be careful when attempting to brush them off. Never swat or crush by hand. Remove them carefully and slowly with a stick or other object.

Individual­s, especially children, should be cautioned about handling or playing with any colorful, hairy-like, fuzzy caterpilla­rs since it is sometimes difficult to distinguis­h between harmless and venomous insect larvae. Never handpick these hairy, fuzzy, or spiny caterpilla­rs except with heavy gloves if necessary. Wear long sleeve shirts, trousers, and gloves when harvesting sweet corn or working in the landscape in late summer and early autumn to reduce possible stings.

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