The Standard Journal

Thespians busy with several plays

- SJ Correspond­ent

The Thespians made it back to Rockmart from one act recently and had some great results including Evan Clay with best actor and Gage Rogers and Allie Streetman with all star cast.

The play students and teachers chose this year was “A View From the Bridge” by Arthur Miller, which was directed by Noah Green, who also won best actor for One Act at the last competitio­n in November.

The 40 min show is the story of a man and a woman who adopt their niece after mother dies but the husband, Eddy, becomes infatuated with the thought of his niece as she falls in love with another man.

“What I love about One Act mostly is the kind of adrenaline rush you get when its a competitio­n,” said Green. “You got a month to do it: its cut up plays, get timing, and get the scenes right. Its the biggest thing of high school I liked with competitio­n, wining, and loosing. its just a whole a lot of fun.”

Green said that he’s learned a lot from all the experience­s he gained from performing in One Act competitio­ns.

“From past experience­s you always got to take what judges and their comments with a grain of salt, because everybody thinks its different. All the judges will say different things,” Green said. “I’ve won and lost. You learn to take both titles with respect. I lost and walked away with nothing in my hands, but I have won and walked out with the Best Actor award in my hands. You learn to take wins and loses with a different type of respect then just being happy or sad about it.”

Green left with some advice to future up comers heading into competitio­n.

“The thing with one act is, its really all about character and making sure you do you work, research, and know more than the other guy at the other school,” he said. “Because there is no formula; other schools, but the biggest thing is keeping positive and having that family aspect in the drama department because that is the way you can really win on act: its to be a team.”

The drama department took on immense amounts of projects these past months put- ting on three plays at the same time.

Just this month they have put on the One Act play and also the first middle school play in a very long time, which was “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” and also already practicing their next play “Sweeny Todd.”

Performanc­es of “Sweeny Todd” are coming up on March 23 through March 26, the first three nights at 7 p.m., and a Sunday matinee at 3 p. m. at the Rockmart Theatre downtown. Tickets are $10 for regular admission, and $5 for children 12 and under.

The Thespians would like to announce that there will be a Junior Thespian troop next year open for the younger kids to help progress the drama department in Rockmart.

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