The Standard Journal

Commission approves annexation request


The City of Cedartown will be bringing in new territory after finished a second reading on a resolution to allow three acres of property on East Avenue to come into the city limits.

City commission­ers voted unanimousl­y to allow the l and owned by Roy Trammell to become part of the city during their March regular session, the only action item for the month.

The vote came following a February public hearing and first reading of the resolution for the annexation, which brings in just over 3 acres of land that is adjacent to property already owned by Trammell within the city limits.

Though city officials took no other actions during their March 13 meeting, there were several discussion­s held on projects and the need for city officials to think about upcoming capital improvemen­t spending as well.

City manager Bill Fann reported the sewer repair and replacemen­t project is now underway in the Goodyear Village, and that residents should be aware that work will be ongoing through August of 2017.

He also said the city is seeking more funds from the Community Developmen­t Block Grant to continue and finish sewer repairs through the rest of the Goodyear Village.

“There will be some minor disruption down there for residents,” Fann said. “We’re asking them to bear with us.”

If approved, Fann said the city would still have to match funds needed to finish the project. He added the applicatio­n for the money from the Community Developmen­t Block Grant were going out in April.

He also wanted city officials to think about the need for upcoming spending on several new items outside of regular items up for replacemen­t, such as public safety vehicles and equipment.

“Obviously this list totals a little over $4 million, so it can’t all be done this year or next year,” he said. “And it doesn’t contain some of the annual items, such as items like lawnmowers for recreation, or police cars, or fire hoses or air tanks.”

One of the items already being replaced and out for bid currently is a new knuckle boom truck for the city. The truck will replace one of three which have been well used by public works employees, and to ensure that at least two trucks are in operation at a time.

“We’ve been holding off on this until we paid off some other items,” he said. “We’ve been down to one fairly good one, and one that is sometimes running. So we needed a new knuckle boom truck, and that was already scheduled for this year.”

Other items on the Capital Improvemen­t Project list needed that could end with future purchases if the Commission approves i ncludes new doors for the Cedartown Performing Arts Center which are also ordered and will soon be i nstalled, the Lankford Events Center previously put out for bid and tabled until more funds could be made available, and more.

Future projects being considered are a soccer complex a Goodyear Park, phase II of Big Spring Park work, auditorium roof repairs and replacemen­t, Turner Street Park work, a Main Lift Station rehabilita­tion, police department renovation­s and more.

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