The Standard Journal

Trouble shooting in the home garden

- Polk County Extension Coordinato­r

Problems may involve direct injury, abnormal growth, or both. There may or may not be a remedy. Some problems may affect all vegetables, others one crop, one variety, or sometimes one or two plants. depleted soil moisture can cause wilting too, but plants will recover.

Poor or slow germinatio­n of seed: Can be several causes, like soil temperatur­es too low or too high, poor seeding techniques (too deep – lack of firming), maggots feeding on the seeds, birds, lack of moisture, too much moisture, soil surface becomes crusty, etc.

Generally slow or poor growth of all crops: low pH, low fertility, cool weather, lack of sunlight, poor drainage, too little/ too much moisture, poor soil structure.

Lettuce and spinach going to seed: This is normal for these crops under warm temperatur­es and long days. Spring and fall planting and proper variety selections are remedies.

Onion bulbs fail to reach desirable size: Wrong planting date, non-adapted variety, crowding of plants or lack of moisture, especially early in growing season.

Irregular kernel developmen­t of sweet corn ears: May be due to inadequate pollinatio­n. Planting sweet corn in blocks of several short rows rather than in long single rows may help.

Sun-burning (greening) of potato tubers: Lack of covering over developing potatoes is a common cause. Hilling soil along row as a plant grows helps to keep tubers covered.

Garden peas cease flowering: A natural occurrence when summer temperatur­es arrive. Peas perform best when planted in the spring or fall.

Off-shaped cucumbers (crooked, nubbins, etc.): Often due to a shortage of soil moisture. Cool temperatur­es at time flowers are developing can be a cause. Poor pollinatio­n due to lack of bees or low number of male flowers is another possibilit­y.

 ??  ?? Students who took part in the Youth Summerfest in past weeks got bookbags full of needed supplies before they started back school on Aug. 8. The hope is to encourage local youth to stay in school.
Students who took part in the Youth Summerfest in past weeks got bookbags full of needed supplies before they started back school on Aug. 8. The hope is to encourage local youth to stay in school.

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