The Standard Journal

Hours of Love


Floyd volunteers presented a record $285,000 gift that will be shared by Floyd Medical Center, Polk Medical Center and Cherokee Medical Center.

The gift was presented at the group’s annual meeting, held this year at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and represents the hard work and generosity of Floyd volunteers, who give of their time and talents every day.

“There are certain things that we budget for each year and there is always a list of things we are not able to do. Gifts like these enable us to speed up the process in putting in needed programs and services,” said Floyd President and CEO Kurt Stuenkel.

“Thank you even more for your spirit of giving and the giving of your time,” Stuenkel told the volunteers. “That, to PH LV PXFK PRUH VLJQL¿FDQW ´ Floyd will use its gift of

WR KHOS ¿QLVK UHQRvation­s to its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. At Cherokee Medical Center, $125,000 will be used for emergency care center improvemen­ts. 3RON 0HGLFDO &HQWHU RI¿FLDOV have not yet decided how their gift will be used.

Amy Astin, Director of Volunteer Services at Floyd, said the gift is a result of sales at the hospitals’ gift shops, proceeds from newborn baby pictures and memorials.

“It’s amazing that all of the volunteers are able to put together a gift like this and top themselves year after year. The gift is a result of the hours they put in,” said Astin.

The following is a list of volunteers who received service pins for hours of work they have done on behalf of Floyd:

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