The Standard Journal

I plan on spoiling my grandson

- Chris Collett is a longtime resident of Cherokee County.

Anytime a parent gets a visit from their child or children, it is a gift. At least this is the case with me. I know Lindsey and Steve have their own lives and friends they like to spend time with. But every now and then, they make space in their schedules to get together with this old man. At times, these get togethers do not come quick enough for my liking. In these instances, I create some excuse that we need to see each other. If the need to see her is bad enough, I just tell her it has been too long, so, a pick a day. I doubt I am the only parent who feels this way or does these things.

A few weeks ago, Lindsey and Steve visited to drop off some things. We sat and talked about world events, work, family, and friends. The usual family conversati­on stuff. Vacation was the hot topic, or so I thought. That was until Lindsey spoke up and said, “Well, I have got something to tell you. We are having a baby.” No words can describe the absolute joy I felt in that moment. Not even from someone who is supposed to be a wordsmith. While most of my joy was for the two of them, I must admit, it was exciting to know I am going to have a grandchild. My biggest hope is the baby is born healthy and everything goes well with the delivery. However, I must admit I am stoked the baby is going to be a boy.

Howard and Cleo Free and Joe and Lucille Collett were as good grandparen­ts as anyone could ever hope for. I had all four of them in my life for many years. This is not me boasting. It was a blessing having them so long and knowing them as well as I did. If you believe some in my family, they will say I was spoiled rotten by these four. Specifical­ly, my grannies. However, there is no truth to these vicious accusation­s. I was not spoiled. It just appeared that way. Since I was not spoiled, it is my intent to make sure my grandson is “plumb rurnt.” If you do not understand the term plumb rurnt, you probably ain’t from around here. The term is a simple one really. It means completely spoiled. Yes Sir. That is exactly what I plan to do.

Some of my friends are already grandparen­ts. A few of them have been grandparen­ts for several years already. This is Lindsey and Steve’s time. And it is my time. Many years ago, I said I wanted to live long enough to see Lindsey get saved and get married to a man who would treat her right. Steve is that man. She got saved many years ago at Refuge Baptist Church in Jasper. The late Reverend Jerry Weaver was the pastor when Lindsey was saved. He is the one who baptized her on a beautiful Sunday morning. Jerry was a product of the North Canton Village I have written about so many times. He was a kind man whose life goal was to lead people to Jesus Christ. Because he was Lindsey’s pastor, I knew she had heard the gospel. Brother Jerry would not preach anything else. It was comforting knowing a man like him was a spiritual guide for my daughter. She could not have been in better hands.

With the news of the upcoming addition to our family, my life goal has changed. I would

now like to live long enough to see my grandson saved and get married to a Godly woman. I guess I am pushing it a bit with this request. Then again, maybe I am not. Only God knows when we are done down here. So, until then, my plan is to share my passions with my grand boy and hope some of them stick. If he loves golf and college football as much as I do, I will be elated. Much of my life has been a textbook for what not to do in most every situation. If I live long enough, I will share some of these things with him too. For only the reason of hoping he will learn a lesson the easy way and spare him and his parents from dealing with the fallout of hard learned lessons. My life has given my parents and grandparen­ts a few gray hairs.

If I do live long enough, I am going to “rurn” that boy. If you do not know the term, it means ruin by spoiling. After I am done, I will send him home to Lindsey and Steve. And pray they let him come back.

 ??  ?? Chris Collett
Chris Collett

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