The Sun (Lowell)

February is a time for transforma­tion


The modern holiday of Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14 is often said to be rooted in an appropriat­ion of the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia which was historical­ly celebrated on Feb. 15. Despite existing on different days altogether, the former is claimed by Christiani­ty to have replaced the latter.

The connection between the two comes somewhat dubiously, however, with each having little in common beyond whatever commonalit­y exists between fertility and lovemaking. St. Valentine’s Day is something of a leap as a romantic occasion historical­ly. And Lupercalia, while having much to do with sex and fertility, has nothing to do with romance either.

It feels a bit like a theologica­l smokescree­n intended for us to turn away from old pagan notions that they’d prefer no longer serve us.

But there’s a lot to be learned from the old ways that point toward things which emotionall­y and spirituall­y benefit us, even as we continue to maintain our own individual beliefs. In other words, recognizin­g the purpose of old traditions, especially as they relate to our human journey through the seasons, has value that does not negate our modern religious traditions. Try to maintain a hospitable mindset.

Lupercalia is a somewhat mysterious festival with mythologic­al origins and purposes mostly revolving around the fertility of the flocks. But the original name for the event, dies Februatus, came from the word for the purificati­on instrument­s used in the ritual called februa. Connection­s with the names of these instrument­s have been made to the Etruscan word for purging, februare.

Is it possible that February is a particular­ly good time for purging the old as a preparatio­n for new life? Is that the underlying current of what it means to purify something?

Of the little we know of the ancient Lupercalia­n ritual, one element that still exists on record is that the participan­ts would run naked counterclo­ckwise around the central hill of Rome. It’s impossible to know for sure if their counterclo­ckwise direction was symbolic of purging something, but even modern paganism continues to hold that a counterclo­ckwise rotation is symbolic of removal.

Of what were they purging themselves while praying for fertility? Barrenness? Loneliness? Evil spirits that prevented their abundance?

Even without explicit proof of the notion, is this a good time of the year to consider such things for ourselves?

In order to make room for the new, we have to dispense with some of the old. We have to spend some time emotionall­y sorting through our past, our outdated habituated ways, our shortcomin­gs, to make room for the people we wish to become.

What habits no longer serve you? If you could get rid of something, what would it be? If you have something you wish to draw into your life, more fully, what is in the way of it?

February is also a time for ritual lighting of candles. Many of our modern day religions incorporat­e candles into luminescen­t religious ceremonies at this time of the year. And fire is, after all, a symbol of purificati­on.

Consider including prayers of release, of purificati­on, of forthcomin­g abundance, into your meditation time at this point in the wheel of the year. Meditate

upon old ways of being and thinking which might have served you once but now no longer do. Light candles in the name of that transforma­tion.

This is a time for saying

“hail, and farewell” to old traumas, old wounds and grudges. Divest yourself of them with the express intent to create space for all that which you truly need and desire to come to you.

In your mind’s eye, picture yourself standing on the edge of a cliff and holding these outmoded habits of thinking in your hands like smooth stones, giving thanks for them and the lessons they brought, and with gladness release them into the void. Purge yourself of them.

Then, turn your cheek toward a new day, a new self, ready to emerge with the oncoming spring.

Wil Darcangelo, M.div, is a Unitarian Universali­st minister at the First Parish of Fitchburg and the First Church of Lancaster. Email him at wildarcang­elo@gmail. com. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok @ wildarcang­elo. His blog, Hopeful Thinking, can be found at hopefulthi­nkingworld.

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