The Sun (San Bernardino)

I will not `snap out of it' until Democrats apologize for their coup against Trump in the White House


Re “What will it take for Trump supporters to snap out of it?” (Nov. 29):

Simple answer. As a Trump supporter, it will take a nonpartisa­n criminal investigat­ion of the 2020 election frauds that have been uncovered and an apology from the Democrats for trying to complete a coup against President Trump.

— George A. Kuck,


Title 42

Re “Title 42 struck down as the pretext that it is” (Nov. 25):

The editorial called what is happening on our southern border “A problem, not a crisis” and said not much has changed. This is the paper’s position? In what world is the editorial board living in? The southern border’s problem is not only a crisis but a complete disaster. Liberal Democratic news organizati­ons continue to cover up how bad things are there. The drug “problem” is bad enough and is just one of the disasters. Throw in human traffickin­g, people dying, rape, coronaviru­s transmissi­on, criminals undetected entering our country, some in sanctuary states and cities, let back out on the streets with no bail. How can anyone say this is just a problem?

— Tim Threadgold, Riverside will get them by any means. Those who use them correctly should not be punished.

— Jon Reitz, San Pedro

The housing shortfall

Re: “Shortage of homes grows in rural areas as well” (Nov. 27):

Expert Mike Kingsella never mentions a key contributo­r: the fact that people are living longer and remaining in their homes. We know many people in their 80s and 90s who are living in their original homes, with or without help. The other elephant in the room concerns California officials not permitting vacant land outside of the L.A. metropolit­an area to be used for new housing but instead wanting to pack renters in stacked housing, which has been shown to be unattracti­ve to millennial­s.

— Jacqueline Zuanich-Ferrell, Manhattan Beach

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