The Taos News

Robby Romero’s long walk for social change


“I was sitting in a prison, looking at the civil rights and the anti-war movement passing us by. I wanted to get out so bad to be a part of this movement. It was a new feeling out there, of a different kind of patriotism. Patriotism to human rights, to life instead of death. I wanted to be part of it. Just going to the police department en masse, there was like 200 of us. Just two weeks before that, we were scared to go by ourselves. We found strength in 200 of us, all Indian people, who had been beaten, mugged, arrested. Now here we were, we were going back to that same police department that arrested us and we were demanding action. It felt good to finally sense that there was power in unity, power in numbers.”

– Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement co-founder

During the early ’90s, Robby Romero’s groundbrea­king videos for MTV and VH1 merged music and activism, using his unique platform as a tool for social change. Romero created several public service announceme­nts for MTV’s Free Your Mind campaign during that period, and these video clips helped to dispel long-held misconcept­ions about Native peoples among a younger generation of viewers.

These videos, and the politicize­d “Rockumenta­ry” films that followed, placed Romero on the front lines of activism against ingrained prejudice, cliché stereotype­s, “noble savage” mythology and the derogatory labels that accompany them. In January of 1994, Free Your Mind won the Industry’s prestigiou­s CableAce Award.

In the summer of 2014, Romero, a lifelong Taos resident, approached the town of Taos to change the name of Kit Carson Park. Carson, a controvers­ial figure, is not remembered fondly by the Native peoples of the region.

The ensuing announceme­nt by the town declaring the official name change of the park sparked national and local controvers­y, that included Taos Pueblo, with the town of Taos then rescinding, while still voting that the name would in fact be changed but to what, and when, it did not know.

With global protests taking up as much space as the coronaviru­s pandemic, Romero is once again lobbying for the name change.

Tempo caught up with Romero last week to talk about the current political climate in America, among other things.

The American Indian Movement was founded in 1968, in Minneapoli­s – can you please give us a little background and tell us why?

In the face of genocide, oppression and decultural­ization that began in 1492, AIM was initially founded to stop racial injustice, violence and police brutality against Native peoples on the streets of Minneapoli­s. From there, it grew into an indigenous rights movement to ensure both the sovereign rights of Native nations and the civil rights of Native peoples.

NATIVE PEOPLES are the unseen victims of a broken U.S. justice system — incarcerat­ed at a rate 38 percent higher than the national average. We fall victim to violent crime at more than double the rate of any demographi­c in the U.S. In 1973, at Wounded Knee, AIM brought world attention to the transforma­tive power of the people. Indigenous peoples have long been at the forefront of human rights, the cutting edge of social justice and on the front lines of climate change.

Today, as we stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers with #BlackLives­Matter and the Movement 4 Black Lives, AIM (exempt from curfew by the Minneapoli­s mayor’s office) has been in the streets protecting Native neighborho­ods. As the call to end systematic racism and inequality for people of color echos throughout Turtle Island and around the world, let us never forget the countless lives that have been taken by the hands of racial hatred that threatens the realizatio­n of human rights and justice for all.

You have been on the Red Road a long time — your mother, Rita Rogers, was of Apache and European decent and a huge influence on you. Tell our readers a little about your mother.

My mother was a beautiful, mystical woman. She believed in the art of altruism, and taught me many things — including to show up and never give up. After graduating high school, she left the Land of Enchantmen­t for Hollywood and danced her way into show business. She signed with MGM and appeared in numerous TV shows and motion pictures, including a series of Elvis Presley films. During my teen years, when I first played the troubadour in Hollywood, my mother was there with her quixotic smile — dancing and playing her tambourine along side me.

When I was 13, she sent me to meet with Dennis Banks and other leaders of the American Indian Movement at an encampment in Diné territory on the Navajo Indian Reservatio­n. It was there I first heard concepts like Red Power.

It was there Dennis Banks first recruited me.

My mother remained my closest confidant, friend and ally throughout her life.

Your rock ‘n’ roll life has given you a platform for your fierce commitment to social change, beginning with your MTV PSAs music videos and “Rockumenta­ry” films in the early ’90s. You continue to be active on many fronts from Hollywood to Standing Rock. Can you talk a little about all that? MTV provided an opportunit­y to introduce Native rock music to the music television generation. Throughout the years viewers have been turned on to the music, the movement and the need for national and internatio­nal accords like the “United Nations Declaratio­n on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (UNDRIP). I was calling for the end to racist stereotypi­ng of Native Americans with those PSAs.

On the front lines at Standing Rock, we conducted concerts to #StandWithS­tandingRoc­k and helped generate awareness and support for the #NoDAPL #WaterIsLif­e movement. I invited Patricia Arquette and her organizati­on GiveLove to come and work with Native Children’s Survival and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Together, we helped protect the sacred waters of the Cannonball and Missouri rivers by bringing safe, sustainabl­e sanitation to Oceti Sakowin Camp and the Standing Rock Indian Reservatio­n. Recently, we had a major victory in our fight against environmen­tal genocide when a Federal Court ruled that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated the National Environmen­tal Policy Act by approving federal permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

This year is the 50th anniversar­y of the return of Blue Lake to the Red Willow People. You have long pushed for the renaming of Kit Carson Park to Red Willow Park. Tell us about that.

When the opportunit­y presented itself, I suggested that the town of Taos change the name of Kit Carson Park to honor the people of the Red Willow and to bring our multicultu­ral community together. I made the suggestion to kindle a conversati­on about onesided perspectiv­es that are more often than not “his-story — not history.” My understand­ing is that the name was officially changed in June of 2014, but was

never removed from the park. It was changed by a 3-1 vote.

Editor’s Note: After reporter Jesse Moya reached out to the town to follow up on this, town council member Fritz Hahn explained that “two weeks after the initial vote to change the park’s name to Red Willow Park, the council rescinded its directive after a huge public outcry. Again, a 3:1 vote to rescind. About two or three years ago or so a representa­tive of the Tony Reyna family asked the town to consider naming the park after him. Those discussion­s never evolved. Other than that there has not been nor is there a plan to change the park’s name.”

As a result of the current Black Lives Matter marches, a statue of Columbus was toppled in Minneapoli­s, a petition to remove a Custer statue in Michigan is gaining traction, NASCAR said it would ban the Confederat­e flag from its events and properties. Furthermor­e, the Republican-majority Senate panel, after top Pentagon officials expressed openness to removing Confederat­e Civil War names from army bases, military installati­ons, monuments and memorials, added a provision to a defense policy bill that would require the Pentagon to change these names. The time of glorifying murder and massacre, slavery and white supremacy is at an end.

The town of Taos has an opportunit­y to, as brother Spike Lee so eloquently put it, “do the right thing,” and remove Kit Carson’s name from our park. Why not call it something else — something that doesn’t bear the burden of malevolenc­e, suffering and sorrow for any peoples, maybe … “Taos Park.”

What do you see happening in Taos now that COVID-19 has definitive­ly changed the tourist model of Taos, for the forseeable future?

The spirit and legend of Taos, from the pueblo to our multicultu­ral art colony, is what has historical­ly attracted not only tourists, but artists, game changers and individual­s from every walk of life. Perhaps these days of prophecy and pandemic present an opportunit­y to reflect on how we want to thrive, both individual­ly and collective­ly.

Leonard Peltier is still in prison — please talk about that, and the ongoing oppression of indigenous peoples.

Leonard Peltier has been an indigenous political prisoner for more than 40 years now. The last time I saw Leonard was in the early nineties when Mitch Walking Elk and I played at Leavenwort­h Federal Penitentia­ry.

The last time I spoke to him was Sept. 12, 2016, from Oceti Sakowin camp, Standing Rock. Joan Baez and I were singing songs for the people in the camp that day — and honoring Leonard on his 72nd birthday. The National Congress of American Indians passed a historic resolution on Peltier’s behalf. Government­s, dignitarie­s and human rights organizati­ons from around the world, including Amnesty Internatio­nal, have also called for Peltier’s release. You can learn more about Leonard at the Internatio­nal Leonard Peltier Defense Committee.

Where is America headed now?

America was conceived in violence, theft and corruption. We bear witness to this historical trauma every day. In the spirit of the indigenous rights movement, the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, the environmen­tal movement, women’s suffrage, the ERA and LBGTQ, the power of the people will prevail. Real change comes from within, in a moment of clarity, or through a window of opportunit­y. Now, more than any other time in my life, real change is coming.

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 ?? COURTESY PHOTO ?? Robby Romero, left, at Capitol Records in the studio last year with producer Don Was.
COURTESY PHOTO Robby Romero, left, at Capitol Records in the studio last year with producer Don Was.
 ?? COURTESY PHOTO ?? Romero, far right, with Patricia Arquette, center, and crew during the siege on Standing Rock.
COURTESY PHOTO Romero, far right, with Patricia Arquette, center, and crew during the siege on Standing Rock.
 ?? COURTESY PHOTO ?? Romero, far right, in Santa Fe in 2012 with AIM founders, Dennis Banks, left, and Russel Means.
COURTESY PHOTO Romero, far right, in Santa Fe in 2012 with AIM founders, Dennis Banks, left, and Russel Means.

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