The Taos News

Created equal but not treated equal

- By William Gordon William Gordon lives in Ranchos de Taos.

In 1776 the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce made this broad and bold statement:

“We hold these truths to be selfeviden­t, that all men are created equal.” Unfortunat­ely, at that time, people of color were looked on as something less than human; they were property.

The United States has had 244 years to remedy that perspectiv­e and has failed miserably.

In 1863 the Emancipati­on Proclamati­on freed the slaves from their masters, but did nothing regarding their humanity. For 147 years since, the United States has failed to establish equality for people of color.

In 1964, the Civil Rights Act attempted to legislate equality and did absolutely nothing to change the treatment of people of color. Another 56 years of wasted time and effort. Proof positive that you can’t legislate equality or morality.

And after the civil rights legislatio­n was enacted, Southern segregatio­nist Democrats defected to the Republican Party and their attitudes remain firmly entrenched there.

Now after decades – no, centuries – of the inability to change the hearts, minds and souls of many we find ourselves once again thrown into a crucible of fire.

Will this fire be the turning point? Will this fire be the beginning of the purificati­on needed to reach true equality? Will the powers that be finally listen? Can this systemic problem finally be resolved?

It will take the full engagement of all the people to come together to begin this process and bring it to fruition. The hearts, minds and souls of all the people need to be opened to understand and enact the meaning of “whatever thou doest to thy brethren, thou doest also unto me.”

I have purposely left out the word “least” from that quote for it subjugates the meaning of equality.

In 1963 James Baldwin penned “The Fire Next Time.” I believe, in my heart of hearts, that he meant the fire of purificati­on of human hearts, souls and minds to the reality of equality.

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