The Taos News

Can science solve the plastic glut?

A new program at Los Alamos National Laboratory holds promise


When an early form of plastic was discovered in 1869, it was hailed as an environmen­tal breakthrou­gh: a cellulose-based material that would save elephants and turtles from the lethal use of their tusks and shells in the production of ivory billiard balls and tortoisesh­ell hair ornaments.

While natural polymers like cellulose abound in nature, synthetic — or human-made — polymers are often derived from oil and gas products.

And there are thousands of possible variations of these long chains of molecules. Plexiglas, vinyl and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes are examples of materials made from polymer chains.

Plastic production soared after World War II, with Saran wrap and Styrofoam emerging in the 1950s from the laboratori­es at Dupont. Today, solutions to plastic pollution reside, ironically, in similar research and developmen­t laboratori­es around the world.

Recently, Los Alamos National Laboratory announced a new consortium that will harness the technical and research capabiliti­es of four Department of Energy research laboratori­es and four universiti­es.

The program is being dubbed BOTTLE — calling to mind the ubiquitous plastic water bottle — and stands for Bio-Optimized Technologi­es to keep Thermoplas­tics out of Landfills and the Environmen­t.

BOTTLE is a project of the

Bioenergy and Biome Group, part of the Bioscience Division at LANL, according to Taraka Dale, BOTTLE program lead for the lab

This program gives LANL an opportunit­y to expand ongoing partnershi­ps as well as develop new collaborat­ions with top-notch researcher­s,” Dale said in a prepared statement.

Two critical goals

The consortium will use a two-pronged approach to tackle plastics pollution.

Dale explained that approach by email.

“First, we aim to use biocatalys­ts to degrade existing plastic waste. Enzymes have been found to degrade some plastics, but they are slow. We will use our

Smart Microbial Cell Technology to help find new enzymes that degrade plastics faster.”

Biocatalys­ts can be cells or enzymes. And enzymes are special proteins that speed up many ordinary processes, such as digesting food or making cheese. (Lactase, for example, is an enzyme that helps us digest milk products. If our bodies don’t produce it, we can become lactose-intolerant.)

Once plastic is broken down, BOTTLE’s second goal is to rebuild more recyclable plastics.

Dale explained that the team “will engineer bacteria to take up these plastics degradatio­n products and convert them to new molecules that will then be used as building blocks to make new polymers.”

Right now, there are reportedly more than a hundred companies with bioplastic­s already on the market. But a study published this year in the journal Environmen­tal Pollution showed that some of these products, contrary to claims, do not readily breakdown in the environmen­t.

What LANL brings to the table is a microbial cell technology, which, while not unique to the lab, is the best on the market, according to Dale.

“Our Smart Microbial Cell Technology will be used to find versions of the bacteria that make these building blocks (for better plastics) more effectivel­y,” she said.

The current technology in plastic degradatio­n research can only study tens of proteins at a time, whereas LANL’s technology can screen thousands of variants for plastic degradatio­n at a time.

“This is orders-of-magnitude better and a real opportunit­y to accelerate the discovery process for new and better plastic degrading enzymes,” said Dale.

Enzymes that eat plastic

One of the first plastic-degrading enzymes was discovered in nature a mere four years ago.

In 2016 outside a plastic bottle recycling plant in Japan, a microbe that was mixed with contaminat­ed sediment was doing something revolution­ary: breaking down and consuming plastic.

Upon examinatio­n, Japanese researcher­s discovered not only a new bacterium to science — Ideonella sakaiensis — but also an enzyme (Ideonella PETase) the bacterium secreted that was responsibl­e for breaking down the plastic.

It turns out, BOTTLE’s research will build directly from this discovery.

“The lead institutio­n for BOTTLE, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, has made major contributi­ons to working with and improving Ideonella PETase,” said Dale.

LANL’s capabiliti­es, according to Dale, will help advance this research by improving plasticdeg­rading enzymes from organisms and by building new and better ones.

Natural enzymes, for example, may not work fast enough or at the scale needed to tackle the plastics pollution problem. In 2018 alone, nearly 360 tons of it entered global markets. When China stopped accepting the world’s plastic in 2017, plastic recycling – even here in Taos – effectivel­y ended.

The challenge for BOTTLE is to engineer biocatalys­ts with the best characteri­stics to degrade existing plastics as well as formulate more recyclable and degradable plastics for the future.

But might these new, lab-made “designer enzymes” end up harming the natural environmen­t?

According to Dale, regulation­s are already in place that would prevent engineered bacteria from even making it into the environmen­t.

“The vision is that we would use the engineered bacteria in a closed system designed for breaking down plastics. The systems would be similar to, and follow the same types of regulation­s, that other industries use when applying engineered organisms,” she said by email.

Role of private enterprise

Solving plastic pollution cannot come soon enough.

Landfills are filled with familiar plastic items ranging from birthday balloons to margarine tubs, soft drink bottles to beanbags, garden hoses to garden furniture.

And it can take 450 years for even the thin plastic in water bottles to naturally degrade; up to 1,000 years for other kinds of plastic.

Some 13 million metric tons of plastic end up in oceans each year, often turning up inside marine mammals and other organisms.

So-called “globe-trotting” microplast­ics, tiny bits of plastic fractured by sunlight and waves, are turning up in the Sahara Desert and Japan’s Mariana Trench, the deepest oceanic trench on the planet.

Dale pointed out that the ultimate goal is for private business to take what they develop and scale it up and make it global.

“We are actively discussing with companies how we can conduct our R&D in a way that will be useful to them in making their products more sustainabl­e and environmen­tally friendly,” she said.

“Our part is to show that we can degrade plastics effectivel­y and create new plastics in the laboratory, using approaches that industry will find feasible and cost effective and therefore want to use,” she added.

“This problem has been years in the making, and it will take years to solve,” she said. “However, the more people care about the problem, the better. And we should continue to press the companies who make our products to create environmen­tally friendly products and packaging.”

 ?? SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? It can take 450 years for even the thin plastic in water bottles to naturally degrade; up to 1,000 years for other kinds of plastic. Some 13 million metric tons of plastic end up in oceans each year, often turning up inside marine mammals and other organisms.
SHUTTERSTO­CK It can take 450 years for even the thin plastic in water bottles to naturally degrade; up to 1,000 years for other kinds of plastic. Some 13 million metric tons of plastic end up in oceans each year, often turning up inside marine mammals and other organisms.
 ?? COURTESY PHOTO ?? Taraka Dale works with a consortium through Los Alamos National Laboratory on solving the plastics pollution problem.
COURTESY PHOTO Taraka Dale works with a consortium through Los Alamos National Laboratory on solving the plastics pollution problem.
 ?? SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? So-called ‘globe-trotting’ microplast­ics, tiny bits of plastic fractured by sunlight and waves, are turning up in the Sahara Desert and Japan’s Mariana Trench, the deepest oceanic trench on the planet.
SHUTTERSTO­CK So-called ‘globe-trotting’ microplast­ics, tiny bits of plastic fractured by sunlight and waves, are turning up in the Sahara Desert and Japan’s Mariana Trench, the deepest oceanic trench on the planet.

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