The Taos News

Our Lady of Guadalupe days in the time of COVID-19

- David A. Fernández de Taos ¡Que viva San Juan Diego y Nuestra Señora La Vírgen de Guadalupe!

This Blessing Way column is wholeheart­edly and prayerfull­y dedicated to all those who at this time are suffering and dying and being stricken in so many ways from the raging and indiscrimi­nate affliction of the COVID-19 virus upon the entire world, and in our local northern region in places like Taos Living Center and similar centers where our treasured people and those who care for them are gathered.

We share the grief and sorrow of our families there and everywhere whose people are succumbing to the spreading viral infection. We are they and they are us, as is now clear, and potentiall­y no person in the world is exempt from the disease before a cure may come.

In the midst of this devastatin­g and “apocalypti­c” global virus pandemic, Taos and Northern New Mexico Catholic faithful, together with over one-and-ahalf billion others around the world, will celebrate again the beautiful Feast Days of San Juan Dieg and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Wednesday – Saturday (Dec. 9 - Dec. 12).

In Taos, the Guadalupe Feast observance­s are especially pertinent since the parish here is, de facto, the first and oldest Catholic parish dedicated to her in what is now the United States after the American assumption of control of Mexican territory in 1847.

The Feast Day of San Juan Diego is Dec. 9. In the year 1531, 489 years ago, it is documented that she who is called Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to a native Mexican Indian citizen, Juan Diego, on the Hill of Tepeyac by México/Tenochtitl­án. She directed him to go tell the Archbishop of Mexico that she willed that a temple to her would be built at Tepeyac.

Juan Diego told her that no one would believe him. She gave him a “sign” for Archbishop Don Juan de Zumárraga, which was her own image miraculous­ly struck on Juan Diego’s ‘tilma’ cloak garment. When the Archbishop saw the image, he was convinced. The temple was built and the site has become the magnificen­t Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City which over 20 million pilgrims visit yearly, and where that “image not made by human hand” remains undiminish­ed in its vibrant vitality and color and inexplicab­ility.

The great Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated with special honors on the 12th of December. She is known as the Patroness of Mexico and of all the Americas and of the world, as Lady of Peace who is universall­y loved and invoked for her intercessi­on against the evils and malignant affliction­s that are visited upon humanity.

This year the lethal threat of the coronaviru­s has canceled the normality of the mass gatherings and public celebratio­ns for fear that the exponentia­l spread of the virus will multiply even more among the people.

But the relationsh­ip between the Lady of Guadalupe and the people is only enhanced against the viral pandemic even though this year the Basilica’s great celebratio­n like those of nearly every other parish and locale in the world are curtailed. There is certainty and confidence that the supernatur­al force of her bond with humanity will prevail over this situation.

The Taos Guadalupe Parish, like all parishes, has a special need for prayer support and increase of spiritual leadership and strength. And thanks are due to people and some groups that are actively caring for the suffering and community, garnering support for affected employees at Taos Living Center and similar long-term care centers and others afflicted. We encourage support for Taos Immigrant Allies, for Sin Fronteras Nuevo Mejico, and all other groups who are demonstrat­ing ‘Guadalupan Care’ among us all.

As Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, California, president of the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops said recently, the present “perilous situation reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters, one family … let us turn to Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

He also prayed, “Holy Virgin of Guadalupe … for those already afflicted we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliveranc­e. Hear the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful, wipe away their tears and help them to trust. We come to you with confidence, knowing that you truly are the Compassion­ate Mother, healer of the sick and cause of our joy.”

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