The Taos News

Ernest L.Ortega



Age: 68

Occupation: Taos Magistrate Court judge

Education: University of New Mexico, Bachelor’s

Political experience: Current Taos Magistrate Court judge (17 years) Political party: Democrat

Charged or convicted of a crime (more serious than a traffic ticket): No Social media or website: None

With 17 years experience at the bench, Ernest L. Ortega is currently the longest serving judge in the Taos County Courthouse Complex and faces no opposition in this year’s race.

“Since the last time that I ran, we’ve had to adjust to coronaviru­s protocols that were pretty strict for a long time, and they’re still in

place,” Judge Ortega said. “They’re not as strict, but we still have to work with those, and we just try to keep everybody at the court safe and everybody who comes to the court safe. Now we’ve noticed that cases have been picking up again so we still have to be diligent.”

Ortega said that the already large caseload the courthouse in Taos processes intensifie­d during the pandemic as the process for resolving cases was slowed down.

He said that the ongoing controvers­y surroundin­g pretrial release rules in New Mexico that restrict a judge’s ability to hold a defendant in jail pending trial — even in some cases alleging violent crimes — continues to be a challenge. In those cases, he said he strives to set fair, but strict conditions of release that guarantee the safety of the community.

In light of the court’s heavy caseload, he said he will continue to advocate for better compensati­on for court clerks. “We can’t be competing with fast food places, and places like that, for the kind of work that they’re doing, which is very stressful,” he said. “It’s very important work, and they need to be paid for the kind of work that they’re doing and the kind of responsibi­lity that they have.”

Ortega said it’s too early to say whether he will run again for office at the end of his new term, but said he will consider it so long as he remains in good health.

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