The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Arm our teachers with knowledge about mental health


Why is it when someone commits suicide, everyone talks about that person’s mental health. They “didn’t know they were sick.”

They “didn’t know they were depressed”. “It’s a shame.” “Wish we could’ve done something.”

When a tragedy occurs like what happened in Parkland, FL yesterday, everyone says “We need tougher gun laws”. “We shouldn’t be able to get our hands on these guns.” “Guns are evil.”

The only difference between those two examples is the direction the gun is pointing. The focus goes to the incident and not the motives. We need to stop these events before they happen by looking at our kids and finding out when something is wrong. It starts with us teaching our kids that people are different and that’s alright. Don’t be a bully, don’t get bullied, and stick up for those that are being bullied. That kid may be strange, but he has every right to be. You don’t have to like that kid, but don’t be mean to them.

I don’t want to see armed guards patrolling the hallways of our schools, I want to see teachers who can pick up when something is off in a kids and pull them aside and say “What’s wrong?” I want to see counselors in schools that make a difference in these kids’ lives.

I know that this alone is not going to stop the madness, but if we talk to our kids and raise them right, it won’t contribute to the madness. Don’t wait for someone else to make policy changes, start in your own house by talking to your kids.

George J. Zapien III, Bridgeport

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