The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Spotted lanternfli­es: Wipe them all out


This invasive species has emerged as a destructiv­e pest in Pennsylvan­ia since its arrival about five years ago.

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive species that has emerged as a destructiv­e pest in Pennsylvan­ia since its arrival in the southeaste­rn part of the state about five years ago. The insect, described as “a large, colorful planthoppe­r,” is a threat to $18 billion in state agricultur­e — tree fruit, timber, hops and especially grapes. The lanternfly wreaks havoc by sucking “the sap from valuable trees and vines, weakening them,” The Associated Press reported in a Sept. 26 article that appeared on LancasterO­nline.

Everyone reading this is granted a full license to kill the spotted lanternfly. You’re our best hope.

The AP’s Michael Rubinkam, in darkly comic fashion, described the ongoing battle in his Sept. 26 article: “In the Great Spotted Lanternfly War, Pennsylvan­ia’s citizen-soldiers are fighting back with fly swatters and vacuums, dish soap and sticky tape. They’re stomping and spraying and zapping and bragging about their kills on social media. ‘DESTROY THEM,’ a propaganda poster urges. ‘Die, die, die, spotted lanternfly,’ a balladeer sings.”

Spotted lanternfli­es feed on more than 70 kinds of plants — chomping on “nearly everything,” as Heather Leach, an entomologi­st who heads Penn State Extension’s spotted lanternfly program, puts it.

There are reports of lanternfli­es preying on basil, cucumbers, horseradis­h, black walnut, red and silver maples, and ornamental plants, including roses and peonies.

In addition to threatenin­g our agricultur­al economy, the bug can be outright disgusting.

“It rains its clear, sticky, sugary waste — euphemisti­cally called ‘honeydew’ — onto pools and decks, driving exasperate­d homeowners indoors,” wrote the AP’s Rubinkam. “Lanternfli­es aren’t shy, either. They will fly in your face, land on your shirt and crawl on the back of your neck.”

Lori Beatrice, a Chester County resident who claims to have killed “thousands” of spotted lanternfli­es, told the AP: “We’re outnumbere­d. It’s just gross . ... It’s like waking up in a nightmare.”

Killing our crops. Damaging our trees. Wrecking our gardens.

And crawling down our necks. These planthoppe­rs are repugnant. But there are right ways and wrong ways to go about battling them.

Calling the police is definitely the wrong way to handle the menace.

The official Twitter account for the Philadelph­ia Police Department was forced to send this note out on Sept. 12: “Please do NOT call 911 to report #SpottedLan­ternfly sightings. While they are a nuisance, they are not a police issue.”

Indeed, our police have far more important things to handle.

We must buckle down and deal with the insects ourselves.

For all of us, the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Agricultur­e has a lengthy checklist that details items and areas we should check for egg masses, adults and nymphs. They include camping equipment, basketball backboards, ice chests, tarps, plant containers, firewood, storage sheds, shutters, dog houses, fences, sandboxes and window awnings. Basically, lanternfli­es can be anywhere. So we must check everywhere.

By December, most of this season’s adult spotted lanternfli­es will have died off, and only the eggs will survive through the winter. Finding and destroying those egg masses on bark and in other locations is crucial. As we wrote last autumn, “a fresh egg mass looks like a smear of wet putty ... and an older mass looks like dried, cracked mud. Each mass can hold 30 to 50 eggs.”

Defeating this pest might seem daunting. In fact, the Penn State Extension’s Leach told the AP that “controllin­g them on a population level is almost impossible at this point.”

But there is hope on the horizon. Scientists are “testing chemical and biological methods of control, including native fungi implicated in a lanternfly die-off in Berks County,” the AP reports, adding that “government contractor­s, meanwhile, are removing tree of heaven — an invasive tree that is the lanternfli­es’ preferred host — from public property.”

This battle is being waged on multiple fronts. But it means we must do our part on the homefront. So keep stomping.

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