The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Change is in the air in Bridgeport

Council goes a step closer to changing park’s name to Rotondo Riverfront

- By Oscar Gamble For MediaNews Group

BRIDGEPORT >> Borough Council took an additional step toward enshrining the name change of the parcel at 98 DeKalb Street to Rotondo Riverfront park Tuesday night, by passing a resolution amending the deed to the property.

The move ensures that the property will continue to bear the Rotondo name in perpetuity.

A dedication and sign unveiling hosted by the Borough and the The Sons and Sisters of Bridgeport is scheduled for Oct. 19.

Council also authorized Solicitor Sal Bello to create and advertise an RFP for conflict counsel for Mayor Mark Barbee.

According to Bridgeport Borough Code, the mayor can utilize up to $4,500 to get opinions from outside attorneys on “various issues,” Bello explained. The reason for the request was not disclosed. In other business, Council approved a traffic and parking subcommitt­ee recommenda­tion for a curb cut request in the unit block of Rambo Street.

According to Borough Manager Keith Truman, the curb cut is in accordance with local planning initiates and will be located at the rear of the property, eliminatin­g the need for a frontside driveway apron that would limit street parking.

Council also approved the return of non-uniform pension plan monies to two former borough employees totaling just over $18,000.

It was out with the old and in with the (sort of) new for the borough’s vehicle fleet as Council passed one resolution approving the disposal a 2009 Dodge Durango and a 2006 Crown Victoria to be sold at auction, and another to approve the acquisitio­n of an all wheel drive 2016 Honda CRV for Police Chief Todd Bereda.

The cost of purchasing and outfitting the new vehicle fell below the $20,000 threshold that requires public bidding.

In his report, Chief Bereda informed Council about a recent spate of thefts from vehicles that occurred on Front, Ford and Fourth streets, including a theft of cash in front of Wawa, 112 W. Fourth St.

Bereda said several suspects have been apprehend but an investigat­ion is ongoing. He advised residents to remember to lock their car doors as only one of the thefts showed signs of forced entry.

Councilman Tony Heyl touted the borough’s recently opioid addiction panel and thanked the panel’s participan­ts for sharing their “difficult personal stories.”

“It’s always better to address painful issues. And it’s painful everywhere,” Bereda said in response.

“We all have a friend or family member here that’s dealing with some similar issue. I know I have. So just bring to light. How can we best reach out and help some of these folks? I’ve already had people approach, talking about that, so that’s a good thing.”


Bridgeport’s Sustainabi­lity Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m.

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