The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Still caught in the health care thicket

- George Will Columnist

As this shabby year, and with it a dispiritin­g decade, sags to an end, there is an interestin­g symmetry. In 2010, passage of the Affordable Care Act signaled the nation’s domestic policy preoccupat­ion: health care. Ten years later, this issue is defining the political competitio­n that will produce the first presidency of this century’s third decade.

Barack Obama’s two largest achievemen­ts during his presidency’s 70% of the second decade altered the public’s thinking and the government’s functionin­g. When he entered office there was only a moderate consensus, but when he left it was decisive, that everyone should have health care coverage and that this should not be denied because of preexistin­g health conditions.

Obama’s largest impact on governance was the expansion of Medicaid under the ACA. This has addicted 36 — so far — state legislatur­es and the District of Columbia on a large flow of federal funds. Those 37 jurisdicti­ons, with 66% of the nation’s population (and soon perhaps Oklahoma and Missouri, both of which may have a ballot measure on expansion in 2020), are especially, and irrevocabl­y, enmeshed in ever-deepening government supervisio­n of health care. The American economy’s health care sector is larger than all but three nations’ entire economies, and as this decade ends, so does the sterile debate framed as a binary choice between government or private provision of health care. This is a blurred distinctio­n without a clear difference.

Beginning in 2010, the Republican Party’s defining — its only important — domestic policy was to “repeal and replace” the ACA. Now it is clear, probably even to the declining number of Republican­s who continue to substitute that chant for thought, that this will not happen. Regarding health care, the party’s intellectu­al pantry is now almost empty. Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy and a few others are working on restocking it. Perhaps they can dilute the party’s current dreadful purity as a cult of personalit­y.

In 2019, the Democratic presidenti­al candidates’ debates about health care have perhaps presaged a healthier party in 2020. The beginning of T.S. Eliot’s “East Coker” — “In my beginning is my end” — could be Kamala Harris’ campaign’s autopsy.

Seven days after her campaign began, with a flippancy that proclaimed her unfamiliar­ity with health care’s complexiti­es, she essentiall­y said: Come to think about it, or actually without really thinking about it, “let’s move on” from private health insurance.

Elizabeth Warren’s presidenti­al prospects may have passed their apogee on Nov. 1, when she explained, or purported to explain, how she would pay for her “Medicare for All.”

Various analysts of different philosophi­c persuasion­s came to the same conclusion: She fell $10 trillion or so short of the real one-decade cost of her single-payer plan. In 2016, Hillary Clinton said a single-payer plan would “never, ever come to pass.” Warren’s only concession to reality has been to promise to not implement her plan until three years after she has fulfilled her recent promise — she cannot moderate her aggression­s against those who disagree with her — to wear a Planned Parenthood scarf at her inaugurati­on.

In 2016, Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 2,833,224, which was 521,366 more than the combined margins of victory of John Kennedy in 1960 (118,574), Richard Nixon in 1968 (510,314) and Jimmy Carter in 1976 (1,682,970). But in 2020, as in 2016, Trump’s political strategy will be to reach Election Day as only the second-most unpopular politician in the country. If he succeeds, he might owe his tattered success to the other party’s combinatio­n of ignorance and arrogance regarding health care.

In 1993, as President Bill Clinton’s administra­tion arrived jauntily promising a root-andbranch remaking of a health care sector less complex than today’s, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., was warning: “Ideologica­l certainty easily degenerate­s into an insistence upon ignorance. The great strength of political conservati­ves at this time (and for a generation) is that they are open to the thought that matters are complex. Liberals have got into a reflexive pattern of denying this.”

Such denial breeds political recklessne­ss in the deniers, dismay among voters and despair among people who know things. Next year, with the most complex domestic problem — health care — uppermost in many voters’ minds, denial might produce a president’s reelection.

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