The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Answer call for help from local hospitals

They are on the front lines of the coronaviru­s pandemic. And they are sounding the alarm. Call it what it is: An SOS. They need our help.


On Tuesday, officials at several major health care providers in the region asked the community for help, in particular with the essential supplies they need to combat the mushroomin­g cases of COVID-19, the illness that results from coronaviru­s infections.

The officials said they have adequate supplies right now, but just as health and medical officials across the nation have noted, their concern is the next two weeks, when infections threaten to overrun health facilities.

As of Tuesday, the state recorded another 207 new cases of coronaviru­s infection, pushing the state total to more than 850. The death toll in Pennsylvan­ia is now 8. Sadly, that includes one in Montgomery County and one in Delaware County.

The thing to remember here is what nearly every health expert and doctor stresses: It’s not now that we should be concerned about, it’s two weeks from now. That is part of the evil of this virus. It always seems to be a few steps in front of us.

That is why health officials are sounding this alarm, not for now, but for two weeks from now.

The refrain was stressed by Jack Lynch, president and CEO of Main Line Health, the parent company of Riddle Hospital.

“The safety of our team, patients and the community remains the driving force in all our response efforts related to COVID-19,” Lynch said. “We currently have enough supplies — including N95 masks for our team. However, our concern ... is maintainin­g supply well into the future, as there is uncertaint­y with how long the pandemic will continue.”

Officials at Crozer-Keystone Health System painted a similar predicamen­t as they battle a rising tide of coronaviru­s cases.

“Our supply chain leaders ... said we will be in need of certain key supplies when the anticipate­d patient surge hits Delaware County at the end of the week,” said Rich Leonowitz, Crozer-Keystone director of media relations. “Just like most hospitals, we will have a need for N95 face masks, hand sanitizer, PDI germicidal sani-wipes (purple top), and ear-loop procedural masks.”

It’s time for action. Look, we all understand the yearning for a return to normalcy. Nothing about the past few weeks has been normal. But the harsh reality is that this is going to be with us for awhile.

All of the steps that have been put in place so far — closing the schools, ordering all non-essential or non-lifesustai­ning business to close their doors, and ordering millions of people to stay at home — have been in the hopes of what they call “flattening the curve.” If we practice all of the above, and rely on strict “social distancing” keeping 6 feet of distance from other people when we do venture out of the house, the hope is we can avert a tsunami of sick people descending on hospitals at the same time. Such a wave of patients is the true fear of most health officials, who readily admit they likely would not be able to handle such a sudden spike in cases.

Now is the time for all of us to be part of the solution. First and foremost, stick with the program. Continue to shelter at home. Practice social distancing.

And if you are able, lend a hand or some crucial supplies to local health facilities.

What’s needed? Gowns, masks, N95 masks, goggles, face shields, Tyvek coveralls, surgical gowns, isolation gowns and gloves.

For now, our hospitals are holding their own. But as the pandemic seems to grow by the hour, they are going to need help.

Every citizen should join the effort.

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