The Times (Shreveport)

Speaker Johnson should remember who he works for

- Prentiss Smith

As someone who has observed American politics for a long time, and commented on it for over thirty years, I have never seen it like it is today. For me, as a citizen who cares about this country, like so many others, it is dishearten­ing.

We all have witnessed a drastic change in American politics over the last decade. What was once a noble pursuit of public service and governance has changed into a battlegrou­nd where principles are sacrificed at the altar of power, and partisansh­ip reigns supreme.

I know that this is not a popular sentiment in northwest Louisiana, but we have always been told that the truth will set you free. Well, the truth is that what Speaker Mike Johnson from Shreveport is doing in Washington, D. C. is wrong, and whether the people of Louisiana acknowledg­e it or not, they know it is wrong.

He seems to have forgotten who he works for, and why he was elected. He is the second most powerful politician in Washington behind the president, and his actions can have a great impact on the lives of people, both negatively or positively.

Today, in the corridors of power, it's easy to lose sight of who put you there in the first place, and who you work for. Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, seems to have forgotten that it was the people of Louisiana's 4th district who sent him to Washington, not the former President pulling strings from his sanctuary in Mara Lago.

To many in north Louisiana, Speaker Johnson might be a familiar and respected figure, but it's imperative to remember that he serves at the pleasure of his constituen­ts, not at the whims of any individual, no matter how powerful.

The role of one of the most powerful politician­s in Washington should be that of a representa­tive tirelessly working for the interests of their constituen­ts. And yet, Speaker Johnson appears to have veered off course, prioritizi­ng an agenda that aligns more with the desires of a single man than with the pressing needs and priorities of the country.

Issues like border protection, crime, inflation, poverty, healthcare, and education are paramount to the well-being of millions of Americans. Speaker Johnson's actions seem more aligned with serving the former president's agenda, rather than addressing these pressing concerns head-on.

By becoming a political tool of the former president, Speaker Johnson has allowed himself to be manipulate­d, forsaking the duty he owes to the people who elected him. The consequenc­es of this allegiance are evident in the chaos that ensues from prioritizi­ng personal agendas over the collective welfare of the nation.

The hyper-partisansh­ip that permeates every facet of politics today has poisoned the well of governance. Instead of seeking common ground and working together for the greater good, politician­s on both sides of the aisle engage in relentless tribalism, demonizing their opponents and obstructin­g progress at every turn.

Politics has devolved into a full-contact sport where winning at any cost takes precedence over serving the interests of the American people. Elected officials seem to have forgotten that they are public servants accountabl­e to their constituen­ts, not beholden to any one individual or party.

A glaring example of this toxic state of affairs is the recent debacle surroundin­g efforts to address immigratio­n reform. After months of painstakin­g negotiatio­ns and bipartisan cooperatio­n, a comprehens­ive bill was finally crafted to stem the tide of illegal immigratio­n and address the myriad issues plaguing our border.

When Speaker of the House Mike Johnson received a directive from a former president to scuttle the bill for political gain, it laid bare the depths of moral bankruptcy in today's politics. What Speaker Mike Johnson did was wrong, and regardless of what some of the people of north Louisiana might think, he ought to be ashamed of himself, but he is not because he is drunk with power.

This shameless manipulati­on of policy for political advantage is not only reprehensi­ble but also dangerous. Lives hang in the balance as politician­s play games with legislatio­n, prioritizi­ng their own ambitions over the well-being of the American people. Such actions only serve to deepen the divides and exacerbate the polarizati­on that threatens to tear our nation apart.

As we reflect on the state of politics today, it's clear that we are witnessing a troubling decline from which we must urgently course correct. The path forward requires a return to civility, integrity, and a genuine commitment to serving the common good. Anything less is a betrayal of the principles upon which our democracy was founded, and that we say we cherish.

It's time for Speaker Johnson to remember his roots and refocus his efforts on serving the people who entrusted him with their voices. He needs to remember who he works for, because at this juncture, it certainly isn't for the people of northwest Louisiana.

Only by prioritizi­ng the needs of his constituen­ts over the demands of a single individual can he truly fulfill his role as a representa­tive of the people. Anything less is a disservice to democracy and to the nation as a whole. And that's my take.

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